Foreigners here often say that they face a hard time learning Danish, because as soon as the Danes pick up that they are not fluent, they switch to speaking English.
Foreigners here often say that they face a hard time learning Danish, because as soon as the Danes pick up that they are not fluent, they switch to speaking English.
Der er en meget simpel løsning på hele det her problem med at grundpriserne nogle gange bliver vurderet så vildt højt. Og jeg undre mig over det ikke bliver diskuteret i den offentlige debat.
Indfør en lov om at man som ejer af en grund altid har ret til at sælge sin ejendom til staten, til 80% af den offentlige vurdering.
Hvis vurderingerne rammer den nær den reelle markedspris, så kan det kun være en overskudsforretning for staten. Alternativt er jeg sikker på vurderingsmyndighederne nok skal få styr på det ret hurtigt.
Jeg er godt undervejs med Slow Horses season 3. Den er god. Jeg har ikke mere at sige. Se den… hvis du har lyst. 😊
True. But I would never answer a survey based on my presumed understanding of the surveyors intentions. I would always answer exactly on the wording in the question.
If you answer on what you think the question means, and not as it is written, you throw a lot of noise into the statistics.
De seneste år har jeg ønsket mig sådan en “giv en ged”, “plant et træ” eller lignende. Jeg har ikke behov for at vi får flere dimser i huset, det er i forvejen totalt overfyldt.
Og så frabeder jeg mig eksplicit enhver form for gavekort, oplevelseskort, osv. Der er >50% sandsynlighed for at jeg aldrig får det brugt. Så hellere lad de penge gå til et godt formål.
I don’t get it?
I would also answer “Human lives are worth the same as animal lives”, simply because Humans are animals.
Never trust the answers to questionnaires with such basic mistakes.
No it really does change what kind of food you desire to eat. It was quite a surreal change for me when I discovered I was craving the juicy taste of a tomato for the first time.
I don’t know if it is normal for others, but I have never ever had the actual desire to eat vegetables before I went on ozempic/wegovy.
Salty sausage, crisps, cheese, bacon, that was the only types of food I used to crave. Now I cannot eat bacon anymore, the fat taste in my mouth makes me queasy.
It’s just not the entire story. Ozempic/wegovy changes the way you feel about food.
I used to always want to eat a lot. And if there was candy on the table within my sight, like 80% of my mental focus would be on that candy, no matter how hard I tried to focus on something else.
Now it’s more like, meh I guess I could take a piece of candy, and then I get lost in talking and forget to actually put it in my mouth until half an hour later.
It is definitely not just appetite suppression. I used to overeat a lot, even after feeling quite a lot of pain from beeing stuffed, I would keep eating. Now I forget to eat, if I don’t have people around me going to lunch.
The soothing, rewarding pleasure of swallowing sugar, fat or salty food I used to need to feel good is just gone most of the time.
To some degree it feels like I have been set free.
You do know that his 40hours a week was a dramatic reduction in working hours compared to the norm at that time?
Once upon a time Google used few and non-intrusive ads. The ads were soo well-placed and relevant, that they almost seemed like a service to the user, rather than being forced upon you. Some of us even added exceptions for Google ads in our ad blockers, so we would not miss out.
I miss those days.
Why are their mouths a hole in the side of their cheeks? It looks disturbing.
Med mindre der kun er én ejer af virksomheden, så kan man nemlig bruge sit personlige mitid til virksomheden, fremfor at skulle have et separat mitid hertil.
Is this not classical overwatering symptom?
They don’t need a sim and days plan, if they only call 112.