It is a inbuilt limit that prevents (most of us) from doing harm to our fellow humans, and to shun from society those that do. It is the very core of why humanity has reached the modern society with a high quality of life.
It is a inbuilt limit that prevents (most of us) from doing harm to our fellow humans, and to shun from society those that do. It is the very core of why humanity has reached the modern society with a high quality of life.
The US has 4.2% of the world population. We can all just keep trading as we please. The US can buy from us if they want to pay the tariffs, or not, doesn’t really matter in the long run.
Verden har ændret sig, der er kun os gamle hoveder der kan huske BOFH.
Also handling 2 hour meltdown because you put the wrong thing in their lunchbox.
This is just block device over network, it will not allow the use cases OP is asking for. You will still need a filesystem and a file-serving service on top of that.
I am not saying you should just ignore it, or making it taboo. But Americans have gone to the very extreme version where skin-tone apparently has to determine who you are. It seems you have made it taboo not to define yourself by your skin-tone.
I truly do not understand how you cannot see the problems with that.
What makes me really curious is, is it really the skin-tone that is the significant variable, or is it a very closely related confounding variable?
It seems so very weird to me that the tone of your skin can have such a significant impact.
Do you ever stop to consider that it may be exactly because of your obsession with the skin tone of people, that you have so much racism?
Try imagining being just as obsessed about eye colors. It seems ridiculous right?
His name was Robert Paulson.
“Det var en gang” is better translated as “Once upon a time”.
They don’t need a sim and days plan, if they only call 112.
Foreigners here often say that they face a hard time learning Danish, because as soon as the Danes pick up that they are not fluent, they switch to speaking English.
Der er en meget simpel løsning på hele det her problem med at grundpriserne nogle gange bliver vurderet så vildt højt. Og jeg undre mig over det ikke bliver diskuteret i den offentlige debat.
Indfør en lov om at man som ejer af en grund altid har ret til at sælge sin ejendom til staten, til 80% af den offentlige vurdering.
Hvis vurderingerne rammer den nær den reelle markedspris, så kan det kun være en overskudsforretning for staten. Alternativt er jeg sikker på vurderingsmyndighederne nok skal få styr på det ret hurtigt.
Jeg er godt undervejs med Slow Horses season 3. Den er god. Jeg har ikke mere at sige. Se den… hvis du har lyst. 😊
True. But I would never answer a survey based on my presumed understanding of the surveyors intentions. I would always answer exactly on the wording in the question.
If you answer on what you think the question means, and not as it is written, you throw a lot of noise into the statistics.
De seneste år har jeg ønsket mig sådan en “giv en ged”, “plant et træ” eller lignende. Jeg har ikke behov for at vi får flere dimser i huset, det er i forvejen totalt overfyldt.
Og så frabeder jeg mig eksplicit enhver form for gavekort, oplevelseskort, osv. Der er >50% sandsynlighed for at jeg aldrig får det brugt. Så hellere lad de penge gå til et godt formål.
When Trump dies, Musk will run for president, and the Republicans will endorse him.