Arbejdstilsynet har en vejledning:
Arbejdstilsynet har en vejledning:
Hvor er billedet taget? Heroppe omkring Lemvig havde vi lidt flere skyer, så jeg kunne ikke se den helt nede ved horisonten. Jeg fik dog lov at nyde formørkelsen på min cykeltur til arbejde.
Du har garanteret set det, men Venus er helt fantastisk i øjeblikket. Jeg har desværre ikke evnerne/udstyret til at tage billeder gennem mit teleskop, men den er værd at kigge på.
Klarifikation: Venus ses i øjeblikket om aftenen og er lige nu i sin mest lysklare fase (hvilket, paradoksalt nok, betyder at den er en lillebitte halvmåneform som halvmånen ses i heraldik og på flag).
Og det er da i det mindste en dansk kapitalfond.
Turn the page about 45 degrees clockwise, you’ll write more straight across the page and the pen will work better because you’re not pushing it. Experiment until you find the angle that works best for you.
Additional bonus: No more smudges on your hand/the page.
Well, OP only specified that they’d been using Linux for about a decade; no mention of their laptops not being from the early 90s. :)
Whatever nebulous issues one or the other may or may not have had, my personal experience is that startpage (from my understanding, basically privacy’d google) provides higher quality search results than DDG (fmu, basically privacy’d bing).
Great operating system, that. Shame it lacks a text editor.
I think that’s called grayjay.
Astronomers would notice immediately, as the stars would be in very wrong positions. The IAU is the primary reason why IT people have to hack around leap seconds.
There are people coming from Windows, which does not have dd
Published in World Economic Forum · 5 min read · Nov 12, 2016
The Register er glimrende, fra UK og gratis.
What the vast majority of people would probably think of when they hear the word ‘fire’ is actually flames; flames are quite simply particles emitting light.
For an everyday example, take a campfire: The wood logs you see burning are at such a high temperature that they give off methanol (and other flammable chemicals), which is most of what’s burning. Apart from the methanol being driven off of the wood, there will be other chemical compounds and/or larger clumps of more-or-less-burned wood that will be carried off. These larger clumps in particular, while very small, are nonetheless large and hot enough to start emitting light in the visual spectrum. This is essentially what a flame is: Particles emitting light.
Fire in and of itself is quite simply rapid oxidation in the presence of oxygen.
The above is, arguably, a gross oversimplification.
TLDR: Flames are particles, fire is combustion.
og vi æder allesammen maddingen.
Og det hjælper ikke at cirka alle medier har travlt med at sanewashe Muskolini og hans orangutang.
It’s worse than that, the first safety inspection is after four years, not six.
It doesn’t matter.
It REALLY doesn’t matter.
Best way I saw it expressed: If you did something that was NOT a nazi salute, but other people perceived it as a nazi salute, you would IMMEDIATELY apologise and walk it back. Given that Muskolini has not done that, he did indeed do a nazi salute.
Here’s one for less than 4 USD. I imagine 150 mm in length would be sufficient.
Wikipedia link (to the Peeping Tom section).
The Danish Parliament would like a word…