• 36 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Det er en interessant hypotese, men jeg tror nu mere på heat death. Universet udvider sig for evigt og langsomt vil stjerner dø ud. Der vil ikke længere være nok masse i tæt nærhed til at danne nye stjerner og nyt liv. De sidste millioner af år vil derfor også være ret ensomme i og med at alle stjerner der stadig kan ses da de ikke bevæger sig væk med mere end lysets hastighed (lyder paradoksalt, men det er muligt hvis tomrummet mellem galakser udvides, hvilket er tilfældet lige nu) vil dø ud en efter en, og til sidst vil stjernehimlen være sort.

    Det lyder dystert, men heldigvis har vi nogle milliarder af år til at forberede os på ensomheden i universet ;)

  • I’m fully Dockerized (well, uhh… Podmanized) and I’m dual-wielding Plex and Jellyfin. Runs smoothly and both only have read to the content. All management of the media is handled by the *arr stack anyway. I even set up a volume for Plex to throw conversions into that Jellyfin can’t see. I’m currently personally using Jellyfin and I’m waiting for Jellyfin to be good enough (or Plex bad enough…) for the users I share with to switch over.

    I can definitely recommend that setup.

  • Try to throw the puzzle into sudoku.coach’s solver and you’ll find a ton of techniques that completely eliminate the guesswork.

    I find sukdokus extremely fun and I never need to guess on a 6/7 out of 10 in difficulty. My suggestion is to take it slow at lower difficulties to get acquainted with the simpler techniques before springing to the harder difficulties.

  • We don’t really learn the reason, we just memorise the word for the number. Kinda like you know the word “dog” means a four legged cute creature, but not why the name is “dog”. The old rules are not something we are teached, I just got curious after a confused foreigner made me think about the system for a second :p

  • Correct.

    • Half to the second (halvanden, still in use today) = 1.5
    • Half to the third (halvtredje) = 2.5
    • Half to the fourth (halvfjerde) = 3.5
    • Half to the fifth (halvfemte) = 4.5

    And so on. You might notice that I sometimes write it like “halvfemte” and other times “halvfems”. The latter is just the way it was spelled when used in a combined word (another fun quirk in Danish that we inherited from Germanic this time!). 90 is today spelled just “halvfems”.