Det er godt nok længe siden at jeg gik i folkeskolen (det var i 80-90erne) men jeg synes da at vi brugte tid på det. Også senere i gymnasiet.
Har man ændret det siden eller prøver vi bare at importere outrage fra USA?
Det er godt nok længe siden at jeg gik i folkeskolen (det var i 80-90erne) men jeg synes da at vi brugte tid på det. Også senere i gymnasiet.
Har man ændret det siden eller prøver vi bare at importere outrage fra USA?
Og som de siger: “Det man ikke dør af, kan dog stadig give livsvarige men”.
True in the sense that he’s acting in Russia’s interest, but I don’t think he consciously working for them. Rather I think that Russia won the cold war using information warfare.
Super fedt. Du må meget gerne skrive her hvis du finder ud af noget.
Kodning er ganske vist ikke traditionelt en spejderdisciplin, men omvendt spejderprincippet “efterlad det pænere end du fandt det” ikke ualmindeligt i softwareudvikling.
Jeg er netop gået i gang med præcis det samme. Jeg synes ikke at spejdernes værdisæt harmonerer med FB, men det er ikke helt let at finde en løsning der dækker funktionerne samt noget der har en forholdsvis lav barrier of entry.
If he hadn’t been there on his fucked up quest to try indoor plumbing and perhaps rape and/or murder some untermensch in the process, there’d been nothing to post. He’s responsible for the situation, the camera is just filming and it could’ve been just a clip of a nice snowy field.
There are plenty of russia-friendly places to go to, where they have similar videos, but why would we want them on a Ukraine space?
I’d rather watch some sorry fuck that’s participating in an imperialist war of conquest blow himself up, than a defender protecting his homeland from fascism.
Of course it seems wrong when you say it like that.
They’ll be wearing stylish pool noodles on the tusks to minimize furniture and gonad damage.
Or we create them with softer tusks. Maybe that’s better, the. They’ll also be worthless to poachers.
Those are closer to horse-sized, but it’s a good start.
I’ve said this a million times before, but if we’re playing gods anyway, can’t we make them dog sized also?
I would totally get one or maybe two.
This is probably produced by the same content farms that generate similar news about the impending death of EVs due to miraculous advances in hydrogen powered vehicles.
Obviously there are no sources and the only images are either unrelated or AI generated.
As to you question “why does anyone read this stuff?” I believe people love stuff that confirms their hopes and are more than willing to compromise on any level of skepticism, when reading stuff that aligns with their views.
That can’t be right. I keep seeing “suggested posts” on Facebook claiming that Honda and/or Toyota has made a revolutionary breakthrough with hydrogen engines, which will finally allow us to get rid of all those damned electric cars.
It’s literally any day now.
I don’t hate them. I used to be a huge Google fanboy, but I simply don’t trust them anymore.
It’s not a data safety issue as such, even though they could shut down my account on a whim and I’d lose 20 years of data, but more like I don’t want to use any new products they put out. For now I have Gmail, drive and photos, because it’s very inconvenient to move, but I can’t be excited for anything they make (or say they will) anymore. Shutting down Inbox was the last straw for me and I don’t see a way to undo that loss of trust.
This is good news for bot farms working to sow division.
What? Sweden don’t have scouts? My daughter was on a scout camp there last year and I believe there were swedish scouts also.
Regardless, in Denmark we have a few scout organizations. One of them KFUM (which would translate to the same as YMCA) which is the christian boy’s scouting org, that also allows girls, and the similar one for girls that don’t allow boys. Both of them has Christianity as a pretty foundational thing and most of the clubhouses are in or near churches and they have church services on camps and shit. Then there’s DDS (dark blue uniforms) and they’re not connected to any faith, but are still committed to the “spiritual development” of the scout. However this can be done in other ways than inflicting religion on children. In 1973 they merged the boy and girl scouts, so it’s just one thing now. The yellow scouts branched from DDS in the 80’s, with a mission to go back to more traditional scouting values. Not sure what that means, but they’re a also non-religious and non-political organization.
Finally there’s some Danish Baptist scouts but I don’t know much about them other than they’re likely a more religious variant of KFUM, attached to another christian flavor.
Yes, will the injustices ever stop? Here’s a great article about it.
I don’t mind that other users have this option. I’m not worried about them. It’s all the expected shenanigans of the companies that’ll remove their apps from the store I don’t much like.
Nah, they should keep that stuff on Android. I like that I only have one app store. I used custom roms, weird alternative app stores and all that stuff for years on Android, but I like that iOS is built on a different philosophy.
Also, I just realized today that if EU forces Apple to open iOS to more stores, shouldn’t they force MS and Sony to do the same for Xbox and Playstation?
Til gengæld har grundlæggeren Ben Cohen været ude og sige at USA ikke skal sende våben til Ukraine og har gentaget det russiske narrativ om at NATO var grunden til at Rusland blev nødt til at invadere.
Så fuck det mærke uanset hvad.