Yeah I accidentally the whole thing. Good times
That reminds me of the time i accidentally 93MB of .rar files
What a defeatist attitude. I have no doubt we’ll find a way to end the world within this millennium at most
We also drew dickibutt
Jfc so many people unable to count properly in this thread. Good job OP keep up the good work
I mean… you’re not wrong… But still made me laugh out loud
Will it hurt baby top of his head?
Due to working in retail in general or was the night shift even worse than the day/evening shift?
I think the warranty stretches a little further. You also need to live long enough to ensure your offspring become moderately self sufficient, but anything above 30 is definitely buyer beware
Fuck, det er alt for realistisk. Dead internet theory bliver mere og mere virkelig…
Hahahaha ja det er sgu en “silver lining” der vil noget :D
Hahaha fair nok, men jeg tænkte mere, at du nok stadig ikke ville kalde stormfloden for en god ting på trods af egen vinding på kort sigt. Recessioner har det også med at sprede sig, og vil helt sikkert påvirke jobsikkerhed og evnen til at forhandle løn.
I really hate that contemporary history has become so stupid that I can’t tell if gaykk rallies are a thing…