If you can afford to pay cash then take the loan and invest the cash elsewhere, and if you can beat the interest on the loan then come back to write better financial advice than this. And even if you can’t you’d at least have done something interesting.
We bought a reliable car for 22k without financing. Our next car will be bought when this one dies. It’s not necessary to have a new car every couple of years.
Dave Ramsey is a hack.
broken clock tho
That’s…the point of the saying.
Time is continuous, not discrete
Well most clocks are not continuous though.
Yeah but what if the clock is broken so it’s like 15 minutes off all the time? Then it’s never right. The right twice a day is just big idiom propaganda
If it’s always off by 15 minutes, it’s not broken, it’s misconfigured.
And if it can’t be fixed?
Damn, that’s a critical error. Good catch.
All you need to know about Dave Ramsey: i worked on his Jaguar XK.
Is that a particularly expensive jaguar? When I was car shopping I saw some jags for 20k or less so owning a Jag means absolutely nothing when it comes to wealth.
The trick is that it costs an