I love him
Ya, it’s also giving me “cat on insect hardware” vibes, too.
Not just that chafer beetle. Bumblebee can be pet! I saw it done and I will not stop telling what I saw! You can pet Bumblebee!
bumble beetle
So like is this fur, hair, or like some weird chitin filament?
It’s setae.
Who knew that if you had fur to insects it makes them cute.
Bumble bee: “Hi.”
Bee butt covered in pollen 🥺
Okay, that is fucking adorable.
I’ve never not been an atheist, but making bees so friggin’ cute would probably the best proof of intelligent design I’ve ever seen. Screw the “banana’s fit your hand perfectly” crap, nah, look at those pollinators fat furry bodies dude!
Mosquitos are also pollinators.
Same, and the only proof of a loving god I’ve ever seen is that we have been given a world of cute, pettable animals who love being petted. Some
gardenPetting Zoo of Eden type shit.
Where would one find these guys?
Southern Africa, natively.