Apologies for being a bit pedantic, just wanted to point that the picture shown wasn’t on the road yet - but they are now! 😅
Born 1983, He/him, Danish AuDD introvert that’s surfed the internet since he was a tween.
Apologies for being a bit pedantic, just wanted to point that the picture shown wasn’t on the road yet - but they are now! 😅
Interesting use of itch.io to handle payment in this case.
I wanted to verify this picture just to make sure, and found out that this is a mockup according to this source. Under the picture it says:
Her er en af de busser, der kommer til at køre rundt i Danmark de næste uger. På bussens dør ses en amerikansk cowboyhat ved siden af en dansk klaphat. Foto: Vestfyen Bryggeriet
Here is one of the busses that’ll drive around Denmark the next few weeks. On the side of the door is an American cowboy hat next to a Danish “clap” hat. Foto: West Funen Brewery.
Another note: It’s only 3 busses starting today, but apparently advertisements for another 27 busses has been ordered.
Main reason is that I’m poor, or perhaps stingy depending on how you view it, and olive oil, basil and pine nuts aren’t exactly as cheap as the replacement ingredients. Obviously the product is entirely different. Most of the time I also replace cheese with nutritional yeast.
So yeah, I wouldn’t call it pesto, but heavily inspired by it. A pesto-like perhaps.
Don’t worry, downvotes don’t matter, it’s just funny to me how many people were offended by your views on pesto 😂
I’d probably get downvoted to hell for the stuff I’ve made that I call pesto, like using peanuts, spinach and sunflower oil instead of pine nuts, basil and olive oil.
I’ve never not been an atheist, but making bees so friggin’ cute would probably the best proof of intelligent design I’ve ever seen. Screw the “banana’s fit your hand perfectly” crap, nah, look at those pollinators fat furry bodies dude!
It’s sad, but for studies that don’t result in income for the government, they’re just not interested in funding it. You wanna know about philosophy? Tough shit. We need more people for the fulfillment centers, you better get good at holding in your pee.
I’m sure people know of this famoue Cakejumper clip.
I was going to say, Malf catching strays here.
It’s just that the original timestamps are lost that way. With cp -a
I would’ve kept the original “created on” date. My memory is so shot I can barely remember what I did last week, let alone 42 days ago, whether I copied over those stats or not…
I did go out of my way to check creation date and modified date on those folders to try and assess whether I had copied the statistics over from my distrohop. Might’ve been old stats plus new, I’m not too sure. I should really start using cp -a
instead of just drag’n’drop in dolphin…
EDIT: No I don’t have invites, before anyone asks.
Yeah, this is also a problem though. I’d love to be on a private tracker as I was in the past, but once you’re out it’s just too much of a hassle to get back in.
That’s the spirit!
My rule of thumb has always been to share to ratio 1.1. Side thought: Maybe there’s a funny correlation between birthrates needing to be 2.1 for a stable population, the extra .1 to make up for deaths, and well, the 2 is because it takes two to make a baby.
(Gigabit internet is the biggest luxury I allow myself to splurge on.)
I’m starting to believe that the saying “All roads lead to Rome” might’ve been a warning.
Yeah, but at least here in DK the banks have to “support” those wallets. And as far as I know, none of them do, it’s just Apple or Google. For reference the biggest bank in Denmark, “Danske Bank” also support Garmin Pay, but that’s for smartwatch NFC pay. (Also those products aren’t for plebeians like myself.)
You stop being able to fail upwards when you become too important to promote.
“It’s fascism when colonization happens to western countries.”
You got me remembering this cooky song. Catchy but the Post America channel was kinda nuts, shame they had their channel removed, not sure if they got banned of they did it themselves. (I wouldn’t be surprised if it was an inside job)
Limited invites to give out, scarcity mindset, I’ve been there myself, so I understand.