• Alfred M. Szmidt
    110 months ago

    @TDCN @joland replacing car with gun or riffle makes it even more absurd. You saying that if I lend a riffle to someone on a hunt, I should bear the consequences for their actions if they miss and hit something? Thankfully the law in rest of Scandinavia isn’t as insane…

    • @TDCN
      510 months ago

      There’s a significant difference between an accident and deliberately being wrekless

      • Alfred M. Szmidt
        110 months ago

        @TDCN There is nothing about being “wreckless” when borrowing something to someone else. If person has a valid driving license that is all that matters. We ain’t even taking about lending a car to a obviously drunk idiot which is punishable.

        • @TDCN
          210 months ago

          But the law will definitely make me think twice before lending my car to anyone.