Okay then I don’t understand your way of car pooling. It’s not really thing here since it’s either impractical or public transport is way better or biking is a possibility
Why wouldn’t you be able to make a contract that your friend has to replace the car you borrow him, of it get’s confiscated because of his reckless driving?
@Starkimarm@TDCN because law is higher than whatever terms you put into a contract. You can’t make a contract that allows illegal results. It isn’t about just getting back they money.
@Starkimarm@TDCN how is the law formulated that for example lending car companies can lend a car? Why do companies have a lower bar than individual citizen? If I start a company will I be able to lend my car silly niilly subverting the intent of the law? This law is beyond daft.
Yes carpooling is a thing but this law literally has nothing to do with this so I don’t get your point.
@TDCN Your literally lending a car. And if you lend it to some idiot, you have no car.
Exactly. Don’t lend your car to an idiot. It’s your car so also your responsibility. Keep it safe.
@TDCN it is a pool. You don’t know who you are lending too.
Okay then I don’t understand your way of car pooling. It’s not really thing here since it’s either impractical or public transport is way better or biking is a possibility
@TDCN look up skjustgruppen in Sweden. Denmark you can literally walk all over the place.
@amszmidt @TDCN
Just make a contract with a refund clause if you lend your car?
@Starkimarm @TDCN you can’t negotiate such things with a contract, law trumps whatever you write down.
@amszmidt @TDCN
Why wouldn’t you be able to make a contract that your friend has to replace the car you borrow him, of it get’s confiscated because of his reckless driving?
@Starkimarm @TDCN because law is higher than whatever terms you put into a contract. You can’t make a contract that allows illegal results. It isn’t about just getting back they money.
@amszmidt @TDCN
Why “allow illgal results”? That’s just compensation of damages.
@Starkimarm @TDCN which might or might not be legal to do. Not everything is valid in a contract just because is says so.
@Starkimarm @TDCN how is the law formulated that for example lending car companies can lend a car? Why do companies have a lower bar than individual citizen? If I start a company will I be able to lend my car silly niilly subverting the intent of the law? This law is beyond daft.
@amszmidt @TDCN
For clarity: are you a danish lawyer?
@Starkimarm @TDCN are you? What relevance does it even have? Your the one claiming by bullshit.
@amszmidt @TDCN
Yeah, thought so. Bye.