Amateur Radio Guy (General Class Ticket), Python Programmer, UX implementor, Father, Husband of 25 years, Brewer, Technologist, Home Chef, Linux/Unix Whitebeard, Buddhist, Artist, Maker, Guitarist, Sailor, Generally Pervy Old Bastard.

Champion of Reason, Logic, and Philosophy.
Antifascist Punk.

  • 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • @djidane535

    Interesting but not really helpful. I found something in a recent FAQ that says I should add an article instead of a post, but the option to add an article is not on the menu on my instance, as it is in their screenie

    Also I’m a mastodon user, and my account there is the focus of my microblogging activity. The user there follows this account, so my posts here, show up there. The short story is, the microblog here is essentially a right pain in my ass.

    At least now I know what it is.

  • @CoffeeAddict

    He’s facing consequences now. The conspiracy trial he was trying to have moved to January just got it’s schedule compressed down to ‘today’, the hearing got immediate billing, all witnesses were heard immediately and state organized crime charges leveled instanter.

    This is, “having fucked around” he has now “found out”.

    “Trial” is incorrect. In my excitement I conflated “trial” and “hearing”. That I got it wrong before coffe though, doesn’t change how fucked this guy is.

    Edited accordingly.

    There are warrants out for him and 18 accomplices. They have 3 days grace to turn themselves in. Anyone who doesn’t turn themselves in by then will be subject to arrest.

    They gave him enough time with socmed to finish hanging himself.

    “You love to see it, especially late in the summer.”

  • @Sodis

    @readbeanicecream @exscape

    According to my understanding, beyond the event horizon, gravity is infinite.

    I am not a physicist - I’m a guy who read Prof. Hawking. Given the nature of llight vis a vis observation, inside the singularity, mass and gravity approach infinity.

    Mass bends spacetime into gravity. Gravity bends light. Infinite mass > infinite gravity > stops light == singularity.

    Note that things happening near the singularity are not the same as things that happen beyond the event horizon.

  • @exscape


    By definition, a manifold has a place where things go in, and other things come out. So yes, it does in fact logically follow. If its a manifold, then it logically follows that what goes in comes out.

    You’re saying we know a bunch of stuff I’m not certain we know.

    My understanding is that by definition, the singularity has infinite mass and infinite gravity, so there is no way it can gain mass; because infinity + 1 = infinity. It’s the very nature of infinities. You can have a number of infinities, but manipulating them arithmetically always yields infinity. 2 x infinity = infinity. 3 / infinity = infinity.

    Like zero, it is more identity than number. 0 = nothing, infinity = everything.

    So if you hope to have me follow your narrative, you’re going to address this assertion concerning increasing the mass of black holes first.

  • @readbeanicecream

    I’m no authority, but I love this stuff. I read Dr. Hawking’s book “A Brief History of Time”, and it was not problematic for me.

    My takeaway is that a black hole is a sort of manifold. It would follow that if there is a way into it, and stuff going into it, the stuff must be coming out somewhere.

    The question is where that stuff comes out, and in what form, and when, in it’s local time frame.

    I had always envisioned this hypothetical ‘other side’ as a white hole. It seems like, since we haven’t observed any white holes, that the exits must be elsewhere.

  • @kelvin0mql

    I do not question any of that. My point is, the republican party has been stirring this pot a long time, and as long as the money keeps pouring, they cant be arsed, as the brits say.

    It’s got to be stopped at the source. We’re already at the point that guys are like this everywhere. One stands in the foyer of the Kroger just about every afternoon 3 blocks from my house.

    Wearing a ball cap with a thin blue line flag, armed to the teeth, in a flag-wrapped t-shirt, glaring at anyone who walks by with a smile their face.

    His body language, the sidearm he’s wearing, his clothes - it all screams that if you’re aren’t mad as hell and not going to take it anymore, you must be a fuckin’ democrat.

    That is a feature of the republican party. If it isn’t addressed soon, some sort of war will be the only way it gets addressed.

  • There are a lot of people who would like you to think that disinformation is harmless; that if you buy into bullshit that it’s your own fault; and that the ‘people that matter’ know the truth.

    This man bought into the fire hose of shit that is continuously, endlessly spewing a mixture of exaggerations, half truths and outright lies. He took it all very seriously, and he paid with his life.

    Ask yourself, do you think this man was one of the ‘people who matter’ to his family? It sounds like some of them agree with, and listened to him and the fire hose.

    This is a fucking tragedy. This man is a casualty of the fight for democracy, and it is a damn fight when people are getting shot for it. Not because he bought into some bullshit; but because he was fed a line of shit by people he trusted. His political party.

    This has got to stop, and I think that it surely will.

    Let’s hope it doesn’t have to be at the expense of another man’s life.

    Another husband, father, grandfather, uncle or brother. Or worse, whole families.

  • @dd97843

    She needs to demand Trump appear as well. This isn’t a jaywalking case, and the OrangeShitGibbon needs to have it registered clearly in his mind that this is not an opportunity for publicity, this is his just deserts coming, and that they unstoppable, that it is just a matter of time.

    Honestly, I think everyone, and I do mean everyone, already knows that.

    We’re at the point where the gamesmanship needs to be exposed as a central thesis and problem, and addressed accordingly. A problem. This is all about putting paid to the problem; not appearances to the effect. In my mind, Trump’s lawyers are not being charged; are not the ones making threats on Truth.Social, Trump is.

    His ass needs to be toeing that line before the Judges desk.

  • A quick peek says it all. It is essentially a polite summons, the literal language of which is a ‘notice to appear’, in which the Court sets forth four dates as options for a time when the parties to the case would meet and confer.

    OP where I first read of this had quoted the first paragraph; I misunderstood him to be suggesting that ‘probably this what will happen’.

    But no, the Defense actually responded that none of the dates provided by the Court would work, because Trump’s lawyers are all busy litigating other cases on his behalf on those dates.

  • @gentleman


    I too tried to flee reddit for, over a year ago now - and found it to be a far worse clusterfucked shitstorm than reddit ever was, and I mean that ideologically, philosophically, politically, and morally.

    I just didn’t go back until the current exodus, mainly because I was trying to see if the account still worked, and it had been lost/purged/banned whatever

    fuck those guys and the horse they rode in on, then far as I’m concerned, they can ride it back out of here wet.

    Might as well federate with facebook.

  • @Stern

    This is in no way a defeat of ‘gay rights’. That the supreme court even heard this is ridiculous.

    You cannot be forced to work for anyone you don’t wish to work for. That is enslavement, plain and simple. The reasons don’t matter.

    If you say why you won’t work for someone, that might even commit some kind of crime, if you are engaging in discrimination, or maybe incorporating something slanderous in the reasons you’re giving.

    If you have good sense, you won’t make a public concern of refusing to work for someone.

    Now to you folks feeling somehow wronged, let me point out that these people think you are assholes; and that *you don’t want to do business with anyone who thinks you’re an asshole, and really, you don’t want to do business with anyone you think an asshole, and it seems pretty clear you would, or do.

    Do you seriously want to pay someone you don’t get along with to make something beautiful and tasty for your wedding? That you will no doubt share with friends and family?

    I know there are more than one cake decorator out there. I also know that many of them are eager to do business with you, as you are.
    Seek out those people, and engage them. They will appreciate your business, and if you otherwise choose well, they should serve you well, too.

    Fuck those other assholes. Don’t let them make your big day about them.

    Just my 0.02$US

    FYI I am an old CIS terminally hetero man. But it doesn’t matter.