Concerning this this thing with people refusing to do business with people who are ‘gay’:


The question isn’t whether you should be able to refuse service to ‘gays’ or whatever – the question should be whether you have the right to refuse service to anyone at all.

In fact, you do: to suggest otherwise would imply that you are not free to choose who you work for, and when. That you are a slave to your customer, or to your own business.

It doesn’t have anything to do with ‘gays’. It has everything to do with personal liberty.

If you don’t want to work for someone, or someone doesn’t want to work for you - everyone should be fine with that. Look at it this way, would you want to be forced to work for these assholes?

People who are saying they won’t work for you ‘because…reasons’ are simply assholes, and here’s a pro-tip, whether you identify as gay or straight or a fucking spayed martian demigod you don’t want to do business with someone that you consider an asshole, or that considers you an asshole.

There are so many people who do want your business, no matter who you are, and when you engage those people, you and they form an instant mutual support community that is nothing but positive. Seek THOSE businesses out, and to hell with the others, they’re not worth your time. That they missed the opportunity to increase their earnings through engaging you is their dilemma, not yours.

Don’t fertilize the hate 💖 but if you’re going to pick a hill to die on, sweet babeh jeebus, you can do so much better than this.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am not gay, neither do I have a problem doing business with gay people, but if you’re an asshole, I will kick you to the curb, as they say, no matter what part of the sexual spectrum you have personally staked out.

I put ‘gay’ in quotes because I don’t want a single person to think I’m using the word negatively; indeed, my point is, this is not about being gay or being a gay person refused service. Don’t let them make their asinine behavior about you. Just get away from them.

This is about being forced to do business with someone with whom you do not wish to engage in business. and I’m not defending these jerks, I’m just trying to clue you in that you don’t want to eat one of their damn cakes anyway, and I sure wouldn’t want to eat or serve a cake I forced them to bake in court.

Come on y’all, this is common sense, why is this even a thing.
