
I am: (MAIN LEMMY PROFILE) (Main Mastodon profile)
And /u/clb92 on Reddit (and many other places)

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • clb92toSelfhosted@lemmy.worldLooking for a good RSS Reader
    2 days ago

    I host my own Tiny Tiny RSS (TT-RSS), but I’ve used the public instance of CommaFeed too, many years ago, before I started selfhosting.

    I really like TT-RSS, especially with my own theme I made, but the container image I’m using now is outdated and has some problems, and if I want to upgrade I’ll have to switch image to the official one, and I won’t be able to simply migrate my data over, as TT-RSS has since dropped support for MySQL completely, so I’m considering just hosting Commafeed instead (since I have to start fresh anyway).

    I prefer RSS readers that feel a bit like Google Reader (R.I.P. - Gone but not forgotten)

  • clb92toFeddit.dkleve uden smartphone
    7 days ago

    Jeg har faktisk overvejet at prøve en Jelly Star. Har du selv en? Er den stabil nok? Kan du få MitID og Google Pay til at køre på den? Jeg har læst mange forskellige ting rundt omkring om at f.eks Bluetooth og WiFi pludselig ikke virker særlig godt, og lignende problemer.

  • You can’t even buy working batteries for a most of the old phones I have in my drawer.

    The idea is nice, but such a government program would either end up just shipping tons of broken electronics to third world countries, or spending more money testing old electronics compared to what it would cost to buy new cheap feature phones for people in those third world countries.

  • clb92toPiracy@lemmy.mlSteal This Comic
    28 days ago

    It’s a whole ordeal to get set up. There’s some plugins for Calibre, I believe one is called NoDRM and os is called De-DRM. Can’t remember which one I’m using or what the differences are.

    From Google Play Books you can download the encrypted books (from the website on PC). You are supposed to use Adobe Digital Editions with your Google login to be able to read the encrypted/DRM-protected books on your PC. When you’ve set up Adobe Digital Editions, you can find a key file somewhere (can’t remember the location, you should be able to Google that) which you can use together with one of the plugins in Calibre. And that should normally be it.

    That didn’t work for me though. So I found some other third party DRM removal tool, in which I logged in with my Google/Adobe Digital Editions account. It could then decrypt the books, but more importantly, it also made a key file somewhere, which i WAS able to use in Calibre. So now, with that key file, I can just drag the encrypted books directly into Calibre, and it decrypts them just fine.

    It’s been several years, so I’ve probably forgotten or misremembered some details.

    EDIT: By the way, there seems to be a time limit on decrypting the downloaded books, so download them from Google and decrypt them withing relatively short time (a few hours maybe, not sure). Don’t think you can just decrypt them whenever in the future.