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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • This is pretty much it. They need to be willing to commit more time slots to the division. Right now it’s like they’re afraid to give the division any more time because it has historically got lower ratings than the men’s, but it’s a chicken and egg situation, since they’ve always been shucked off to the worst timeslot and never given investment. So of course people are going to become accustomed to tuning out for that section.

    Make a concerted effort to allocate more of the show’s time to the division and better booking and more focus will inherently come, since they’ll have a larger portion of the show ‘on the line’ depending on the division being good television. It was a rough transition at the start for WWE too - the first women’s rumble was weak because the division was tiny, and it felt forced to give a women’s version of every big match. After a couple years though, it was the norm and the strength of the division started to shine through. They’ve still got a ways to go on their side of things as well on the main roster nowadays, but it’s in a better state than AEW for sure.

    Now’s the best time to do it with the brand split - there’s more television time to go around than ever.

  • I can see where you’re coming from there for sure, but I guess it’s more the sense that it was a tad silly that there wasn’t anyone from England in a faction named Blackpool Combat Club ever since Regal left. Regionally named factions without anyone in the faction being at least presented as being vaguely from the area is an odd concept to me.

    I would remark that it would be equally silly if there wasn’t any American or anyone presented as being vaguely American in style in the Hollywood Hunks and would probably make the same note if they finally added an American to that faction.

  • Pac honestly makes perfect sense there in hindsight, and he did a wonderful job in his short promo time last night. Obviously, being from England the Blackpool aspect of it is a natural fit, his style both in-ring and as a character fits perfectly with the group, and he’s extremely ready for a strong heel run after being in the background for a bit for the last little while. I hope his addition to BCC is permanent and not just for this match.

  • I find it particularly interesting how MJF translates so well in both our cases. I always would have thought that he would have been much more of a ‘smark hit’ than someone who would come across well to brand new watchers. Exact same thing here, without having any idea who he is and even his history as a massive asshole (given her first exposure to him was when he was already into the ‘fake babyface’ role last week), the moment he’s on screen her interest is at 100%. His natural charisma and ability to work in any role (be it comedy, reluctant temporary face, serious heel, etc) must be really translating really well and it says a lot about just how special of a talent he is that he can capture new fans right off the bat while keeping his stuff interesting to the hardcores as well by backing it up with great in-ring psychology and whatnot.

  • Wow what a show. My first ever AEW show in person, some thoughts from the experience.

    • I hope the crowd volume translated well on TV - it was electric in there all night

    • Don Callis heat was absolutely nuclear, I don’t think anyone in the arena heard a word he said

    • I can now put on my resume that I’ve been scissored by Anthony Bowens. On that note - The Acclaimed are potentially the single most over act with the crowd. 50% of the merch is Acclaimed merch and outside of booing Don Callis, the crowd was definitely the hottest for either them or Kenny.

    • Kenny Omega is somehow even more impressive in person - hot damn he’s just a level above when it comes to making you believe it’s real with how he performs every move

    • Without any spoilers, rampage is a really fun one. Definitely worth tuning in on Friday.

    • The only other live show I’ve been to is when Smackdown came to edmo like 15 years ago - even with the large gap I’m wowed by the difference in experience between a WWE show and an AEW show - you hear people talk about how WWE shows are shows made for TV that happen to be filmed live and AEW shows are shows made for the live experience that happen to be on TV and I can definitely agree - you almost don’t realize there’s commercial breaks going on at an AEW show if you’re not actively paying attention for it.

    • I apologize for us accidentally booing Stu Hart. We’re all hardwired to boo the moment anyone says the word Calgary, even in casual conversation. It’s not something any of us can control

  • The best quote I saw in a review is that it’s terrible for people who like to create, fun enough for people who like to get to the gameplay, which is pretty much what I expected.

    Personally, I’m the type who likes to create. I play wrestling games for the CAWs, creating shows, giving everyone cool entrances, etc. and barely spend any time actually in matches. So I knew early on this one wasn’t gonna be for me as I can get a better AEW experience for what I’m looking for within WWE 2K23.

    It is a shame though to see that despite the core gameplay loop being fun, it is so barebones outside of that for the people who were looking forward to it.

  • Really good show. Collision has a really good flow so far, I hope it keeps up.

    I, much like that crowd, am conflicted by CM Punk but I can’t help but be enthralled by him, just like I was as a kid watching him, so screw it, I’m into it. Especially if he eventually goes full-heel.

    Really pleased to see Bullett Club Gold get the win here - the right call for sure. As somebody who’s been a shameless Guns fan since before they figured it out, to see them looking like absolute stars nowadays is awesome.

    Forbidden Door card is so ridiculously stacked, and that’s coming from a person who typically has zero interest in NJPW, super jazzed for tomorrow.

  • Game development times are getting completely out of hand at this point. I really hoped that the advancement of game creation technology and more advanced engines, we would have seen sped up game development, but for the past decade we’ve seen nothing but the opposite go the point it’s just ridiculous now for some games.

    This also poses the other question - who thought it was a good idea to show an ES6 teaser if the game was the better part of a decade out at the time of the teaser?

  • I think it was one of the best shows I’ve seen in a while, and they’ve been putting out some really good ones lately. I can’t describe it, but something about their storytelling is far more compelling right now. I know when AEW isn’t hot, it feels sometimes like they’re mailing it in with most of the stories on the show, just doing good matches then interrupted interviews all show, but they’ve got a good variety and storylines that actually make you want to tune in right now.

    Also, Eddie Kingston is an absolute top-5 promo of all time, I don’t care if that sounds ridiculous given some of the competition out there in the ‘all-time’ category. Nobody matches his pure emotion and ability to make you fully believe that he believes every word he’s saying.