Relax , your anxious feelings are understandable but we will continue to provide the best television experience the world has ever seen.
Relax , your anxious feelings are understandable but we will continue to provide the best television experience the world has ever seen.
Faster I said !
God bless those European MF’rs
That might work if the fine was say $1.5 B
Mini disc is what i always heard. Nobody knows what the hell they are anyway
I found a VHS player at a second hand shop and got into buying and watching VHS before the pandemic and it was actually relaxing. Even with DVD/Blu ray I can’t get as immersed as I was with watching VHS. I would know that at night I was going to watch D.A.R.Y.L and just kick back and not get off the couch. It was a whole thing…power surge fried my player and haven’t found another one yet
Zen mind, Beginners mind
Do you have 🗿 here?
I’m a little older and while all my buddies were on the internet in the early days it didn’t interest me but I was well aware of how it functioned.
I was a reddit lurker back when it was cool and a place to gain knowledge (depending on the sub) then a few years back finally becoming a user until the last couple years seeing it really go down hill fast turning into a typical " social media platform"
Leemy gives me a sense of nostalgia for something I missed out on in the past. …And I don’t feel like an asshole scrolling in my spare time
Thanks for the links ! Good info for a newbie like me ✌️
Heck yeah analog is cool ! Once I realized there were several editions I began a quest to get them all. I’m a hoarder.
That is amazing what those apps can do . Friends have the plant and constellation identifiers and they are fun to mess with. They scare me though 🤣
Happy Ishtar !
I mean happy Easter not the pagan orgy holiday represented by eggs and rabbits etc that we all participate in for some reason
I have not , my sister has an app like that , possibly the same one , I’ll have to ask her about it.
My father is pretty good with bird identification and would always point them out on walks in the woods.
I got hooked on field guides after getting a few as a kid for birthdays etc. I’ve collected several editions of Petersons and National Audubon field guides . I highly recommend both . NA has actual pictures but Peterson’s have rendered images of the birds in flight, their seasonal plumage and are a bit more comprehensive .
That would have been a memorable experience ! Nature kicks ass ! I too am a fan of blue birds of all kinds. Im lucky enough to have dozens of bluebirds, quite a few indigo bunting and a whole mess of Bluejays flying around my home. A few other notable birds I get to see regularly are piliated woodpeckers ( the big woody woodpecker types) , yellow flickers and my personal favorite ( which really arent that special but theyre my #1 for their personality alone) the Carolina wren.
Wish I wouldn’t have seen the blue shitbird though
I was looking at a car this guy was selling , we’re standing there talking about a price and this amazing blue dove lands a few feet away. It’s was fucking saphire blue.
The guy selling the car looks at me and says “wooooah I’ve never seen a blue bird like that before”. He was blown away.
I said “are you sure buddy because there’s a port a John business right around the corner and that bird has been swimming in one of the shit houses”
I did not buy the car
Thanks I’m going to check them out now. Appreciate the time ✌️
Sweet ! Thanks for the knowledge ✌️