She has a right to express her opinion…where? In the Constitution of HBO? Do the Ts and Cs specify a right to free speech? Don’t talk to me about rights HBO this is a choice
This. She has the right to express her opinion, she doesn’t have the right to be provided a platform or the right to require others to listen.
HBO, what the fuck are you doinnn 😰 😭
Being out of touch is totally normal human David Zaslav’s thing. Remember the Batgirl movie?
Oh, could you explain this to me like I’m five? I haven’t watched the Batgirl movie and I’m not aware of the surrounding context
HBO threw out the whole thing after it was already finished filming as a tax write off.
I will check that just by curiosity :)
Instead of releasing the Batgirl movie, which was pretty much complete and fans were excited about, Zaslav canceled it for the tax write off.
So HBO wants a drama, just to get a tax off, Thats what i’ve to understand ? 😆
Who knows, but Zaslav has a reputation for being wildly out of touch.
Yes. Out of touch and also disdainful of the entertainment his compankes make, seemingly.
Hes the kind of guy who would attend a TCM event with famous directors and talk about how he loved film, only to attempt killing off the whole channel not long after (he was talked out of it by some of those same directors)
He hates all entertainment that isnt cheap reality TV, and is the worst possible person to oversee an entertainment empire.
Yup. At least James Gunn seems to be doing good things with the DC stuff
Reading the tea leaves I guess. Fucking assholes
Honestly I haven’t been watching HBO because it was too expensive. Now the boycott has a deeper meaning beyond my wallet.
I’m no longer a cheapskate, now I’m a person with principles. Hell yeah
i also have the right to boycott everything in her orbit, because she is a hateful disinfo spreading terf who is going to get people hurt.
fuck terfs
If everything were fine that would be one thing you could have a discussion about, how much intolerance do you tolerate etc. When thethe senate and state legislatures are literally chomping at the bit to genocide the trans then enabling that rhetoric can only be collaborators to evil. Not to mention that trans aren’t the only group she has targeted. Working with the “maybe the nazis weren’t so bad” person when America is falling to the nazis is certainly a choice
Well, the show might benefit from me pirating that thing. I do have a right to
flip the bird towards TERFSexpress my personal view ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Why do you want to watch or promote something created by an outspoken bigot, especially where her active involvement is touted as a selling point?
If you want to avoid every movie or show where a bigoted or otherwise very critical person or company is heavily involved in the production, the range of movies or shows would shrink drastically. So instead of not watching I pirate. The bigots don’t make a profit off of me and we’re all good.
In this case she is a figurehead of bigotry. Any engagement is seen as endorsemenr
Sure. Never giving a cent to HBO again
that’s the spirit! I will join you.
Yeah no shit, and people have a right to tell she is an asshole who doesn’t deserve their money.
Fully leaning into the Trump-era zeitgeist, I see.