My latest, on the more unusual IR cases we see in the industrial space. #ICSSecurity #DFIR #cybersecurity
My latest, on the more unusual IR cases we see in the industrial space. #ICSSecurity #DFIR #cybersecurity the broader range of engagements is really happifying to see. Especially the indications that orgs are treating investigating stuff as something where they don’t know the cause and know they don’t know so they call y’all in. it’s definitely encouraging seeing a serious treatment of cybersecurity issues as they impact production and safety gives me some hope. I’ve been doing bilge rat janitorial stuff for a couple years now in <NDA SILENCE> for <NDA SILENCE> and love seeing indications of a rising tide lifting the flotilla. =D
@whereisthespai @hacks4pancakes
Well this was an unexpected coincidence lol.
Lesley I work with and catsalad I know on matrix (xhyxx’s silly chat)
@smoothie @hacks4pancakes when I get to a conference relevant to my work again we might see even more funny coincidences. =D
@whereisthespai come to DISC 😎🩷
@smoothie @whereisthespai you’re going to need to DM me at work so I know WHO YOU ARE lol No opsec violations were recorded this day 😎 pseudonymous opsec remains unmatched. =D