Just like with the semi-finals, this is the live thread for the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024.
As there is (to my knowledge), no Lemmy equivalent to https://reddit-stream.com/, the best alternative is refreshing the website about once after each song. This should still be okay for now as this community is relatively small.
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Thanks to @You@feddit.de, there are some links for the Grand Finale:
The Grand Finale Livestream on YouTube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ckGRHJ-J9G4

National broadcasts:

Perhaps one of these might not be geoblocked, but not guaranteed)

And some background information:

  • VonReposti
    10 months ago

    Danish public vote awarded 8 points to Israel. What a fucking disgrace.

    Come to think of it, in Denmark we could only vote by SMS and we know how easily phone numbers are spoofed. Maybe someone with time on their hand could correlate the numbers between SMS voting and votes to Israel if it’s possible to get those numbers.