I know there’s already a few posts about how people listen to, or discover new music, but I wanted to see how other people get their music. Do you buy CDs or vinyl? Digital downloads? Use streaming services? Something else? And why?

Until a few years ago, I would jump between streaming services depending on the best deals I could get, but got very concerned the more I read about how little money most musicians get from streaming listens (especially via Spotify) - and given I tend to listen to less popular bands/artists, it seems particularly bad for them.

I have a small selection of CDs and vinyl, but mostly buy my music digitally - directly via Bandcamp if the artist is on there, or through an online store like 7digital (or even sometimes if no other option, Amazon) if not. I have a home server where I keep my music and like to be able to stream it directly to my phone, so this tends to be the best of both worlds for me.

Interested to know what others do!

  • EuphoricPenguin@normalcity.life
    1 year ago

    I probably obtain music in just about every conceivable way possible. Sometimes I’m listening on YouTube for city pop uploads, other times it’s SoundCloud for weird obscure indie tracks. Sometimes I’ll do some soul seeking to flesh out my local collection of FLACs for my iPod or Strawberry, or I’ll pop into Bandcamp to find hidden gems. I also buy a fair bit of used vinyl from Discogs, and I’ll occasionally hit up importCDs for the occasional budget-friendly Tatsuro Yamashita album. I even hunt around at local thrift stores to add to my cassette and CD collections, which have both grown to a fairly substantial size. Sometimes indie labels like Light in the Attic will get city pop reissues that aren’t all that expensive, and I’ve bought a passable quality cassette from them before. I’ve been working on getting a thrown-together component Hi-fi setup from a bunch of thrift store scores, and it actually sounds and works quite well. I have a massive stack of portable CD players, and a trusty cassette walkman that has really decent W+F for what it is. Aside from MD (so far), I guess you could say I’m interested in diversifying my music-listening portfolio.