The Powerball lottery is up to $1 billion tonight. If you won it, what would you do?

  • migo
    761 year ago

    Keep a million for fun, everything else, buy a very conservative and diversified portfolio, borrow against it and purchase real estate worldwide in places with water access and least affected by climate change. With profits start funding antifa, anarcho-syndicalist, ecosocialist, and similar movements.

      -11 year ago

      If you are buying real estate, you won’t be funding “antifa” or any of the other things you are fantasizing. Profit-bearing RealEstate is directly counter to all of those movments, and once they start threatening you, you’ll immediately pivot to funding the status-quo.

      • migo
        21 year ago

        I guess you’re calling me ignorant and a hypocrite without knowing anything about me or my value system.

        My recommendation to you would be to read again and instead of assuming ignorance and hypocrisy, assume that I know very well what I’m talking about. And then meditate on it.

    481 year ago

    Keep playing to get more rich.

    Most professional gamblers quit just before a big victory. I won’t make that mistake.

  • UltimoGato
    331 year ago

    Not tell anyone and just quietly retire. Spend as much time as possible with my kids as they grow.

  • LegendofDragoon
    281 year ago

    Talk to a major law firm about accepting the prize as anonymously as possible. Take the lump sum -payment to the lawyer team and divide it into thirds. One third goes into a trust that I can direct friends and family to with instructions to offer assistance for major life events, weddings, funerals, education and the like. That way I never have to be the bad guy who says yeah, no.

    The second third will get invested into low risk bonds so I have a stable income forever

    The final third will become what people normally do with lottery winnings, new home, that kind of stuff

  • LemmyLefty
    261 year ago

    -slides loaded briefcase across table-

    I would like one (1) healthcare, please.

  • Muddybulldog
    221 year ago

    Among other things, I’d keep going to work. I enjoy my job. What I’ll really enjoy is every time someone tries to pawn off something on me that’s not actually my job I’ll tell them, “not my job”

      131 year ago

      Being able to go in to work without the same fears that usually accompany those living paycheck to paycheck even if they enjoy the work must be the most freeing thing ever. Knowing you are now untouchable financially so can take a stand if something annoys you enough.

        51 year ago

        I paid off all of my debts and have a few months saved up. Same feeling I think. It is the most freeing feeling I’ve ever felt. Like a mini retirement.

      11 year ago

      Yeah I’m freelance and really love my work. It’s rewarding and impactful. Without any doubt these things are true. I’d probably cut back my hours a bit. But I’d just tell my clients that my services are now free.

    • Dandroid
      81 year ago

      You know everyone would be screaming about preemptively defederating, right?

  • Behaviorbabe
    151 year ago

    Cut my hours back at work, maybe take a sabbatical spend much more time with my kids, and go to art school. I’m pretty good at it, but it wasn’t in the trailer park cards.

  • DrTautology
    1 year ago

    Well now that I have “fuck you” money there’s a few things on my mind.

    First, I’m going to eat at a lot of restaurants. I’m going to enjoy my meals too. Through the whole meal I’m going to be buying iced milks for another random patron. I’m going to make sure the waiter is aware that this good gesture needs to be anonymous and I will make sure that as long as the waiter keeps delivering the iced milks I will keep adding $1000 onto their tip. These iced milks will not stop coming until there is nowhere left for the patron to reasonably sit. This waiter will not have to work for a long time afterwards.

    Second, I’m going to buy a shit ton of gold bricks. Like the big one’s you envision are in Fort Knox, also known as “Good Delivery” bars. I’m also going to hire an elite team of private security forces whose sole job will be to transport that gold in plain sight everywhere that I happen to go. If by chance my gold is not allowed with me into an establishment, then I will just attempt to buy the place right there on the spot. If that doesn’t work, then my team will take the gold and wait with it on public property.

    Pretty sure that $1b is long gone by now, but finally I’m going to be throwing parades—a lot of parades. I will have permits for parades on the streets in front of the houses of all my enemies. These will take place at the most inconvenient possible times that my team of schedulers, planners, and event organizers will be able to find. I will have the dumbest fucking floats in these parades and the shittiest marching bands. I will not stop until I’m sufficient conviced I have broken the spirit of my enemies.

    This is why they won’t give me money.

  • BananaTrifleViolin
    131 year ago

    I’d keep it a secret except from the closest people to me. I’d be incredibly boring about what I’d do with it.

    First I would pay off my mortgage and invest a chunk in “safe” investments - so shares in utility companies, funeral business - boring reliable investments - and property and land, across borders. All to try and guarentee I would stay financially secure long term for the rest of my life, and weather financial storms.

    I’d help my immediate family financially (siblings and parents, and closest friends) but would not go over board - I’d make their lives better but not ruin them, and would aim to keep most of the money ready to keep helping for years to come rather than splurge out. And I wouldn’t tell them how much I had so as not to ruin relationships.

    For what I do for me I would think very hard. I’d probably not quit work immediately and I’d try not to ruin my life.

    I’d probably look to travel but in bursts - either nice holidays and keep working (I like my job) or quit work and live 3 months at a time in places I’ve always wanted to be for a bit before settling down again.

    Anything I do or buy I would do as someone “middle class”. So I’d travel economy plus, I’d stay in decent hotal but not the most flashy, I’d buy a decent home but not a mansion (I don’t need a 10 bed home, I’d just get a nicer version of what I have now - 3 beds but maybe detached and in a nicer area).

    Basically I’d upgrade my life a little but I wouldn’t go wild. I don’t see the value in the conspicuously wealthy lifestyle - I’d see money as buying freedom but I wouldn’t want to be wasteful, and I wouldn’t want to be a target for criminals or leeches.

    And the rest i’d start puting to good causes. That would probably be conservation charities, green charities, social projects I believe in. Id want to use it to create some kind of legacy even if anonymous - for me that would be something that meaningfully improved the world in some small but realistic way.

    Basically I’d be very boring, stay anonymous and try and make relatively small but meaningful changes to my life and those I love.

    • 1chemistdown
      21 year ago

      You think you would get to live in the same place with no one knowing you won the $1B lottery? Interesting.

      Me, I would go to a top law firm and see a senior partner about getting out of being publicized. Have them set up sale of property and disconnect my phone lines and internet accounts after creating new unknown ones. I would have the lawyers present the ticket for me through various layers of holding companies and trusts, but I would be a ghost for awhile. The legal team would make sure all family members got some money with a nice non disclosure agreement. Immediate family would have my contact information with a request to never disclose. All money Would be dispersed between several low fee brokerages where I would invest in a combination of treasury backed securities, short term CDs, total stock market ETFs, and cash would be dispersed between several high interest savings accounts. I would be unreachable for 6 months while News died down.

    121 year ago

    I would honestly just disappear.

    If I had enough money that I can just go “fuck you”, that’s what I’d do. I’d obviously help my family financially, but probably not as a lump sum except to help them buy property to make houses on. But beyond that, I would basically be away and uncontactable. No one would know where I am and what I’m up to except maybe a couple times a year.

    The bigger question is actually what type of charity I’d end up doing. I have some distrust for charities, so I’d want to take a more direct approach, so in all likelihood, I’d be helping a number of small creators I believed in to see if they could get a chance at establishing themselves better.

  • scytale
    101 year ago
    1. Hire a fiduciary consultant/accountant to ensure the money is invested into accounts where I can live off the interest more than comfortably.
    2. Travel to all the places my wife and I want to go.
    3. Buy citizenship (via investor visa) in the best developed country that fits our lifestyle and life priorities.
    4. Buy a nice but not extravagant house.
    5. Buy all the non-essential stuff I’ve always wanted to buy.
    6. Hire a personal chef who will cook healthy AND delicious meals for us everyday, so I only need to cook when I actually want to.
    7. Give a lump sum to each of my immediate family members and my wife’s mom and brother. We trust them enough to not abuse the privilege of having a billionaire family member.