This is actually a line of succession thing, the Sith changed their Rule of Two system after that whole Death Star 2.0 fiasco. Too much of a liability for the Empire if they’re all in one place.
Edit: Twenty-Sith Ammendment.
Even the pink eyes
You mean his eye lips?
That doesn’t make any sense. If he takes off his glasses, then how could he see?
McConnell literally looks like a zombie. Wish he would just keel over and save everyone from this ongoing headache
One big difference is the laugh lines, a good sign of smiling more often I’ve heard
McConnell smiles all the time, specifically whenever an innocent American’s life is worsened by his sadistic policy decisions.
Far too generous a comparison for Addison
for unlimited power and prolonged life, the spice must flow
One of these 2 can string more than 6 words together in a sentence without shitting themselves then rebooting
Bibi Nazanyahu and Hamas, same meme