Get a first glimpse at the captivating story, thrilling gameplay and expansive world of FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH, the highly anticipated new story in the cr...
Ideally I think it would make sense to keep the cast of characters small so they all participate in the story, but you still have the choice of who to battle with. But then it would be hard to do stuff like ambient dialogue between characters or whatever, and it wouldn’t make sense visually for the non-party members to disappear from the screen even though they’re canonically supposed to be there. So honestly I doubt the game is going to give us the option to choose our party members.
Ideally I think it would make sense to keep the cast of characters small so they all participate in the story, but you still have the choice of who to battle with. But then it would be hard to do stuff like ambient dialogue between characters or whatever, and it wouldn’t make sense visually for the non-party members to disappear from the screen even though they’re canonically supposed to be there. So honestly I doubt the game is going to give us the option to choose our party members.