For all those Mac owners out there, rejoice that “proper” gaming could be just around the corner.

Sadly for me, my 2015 MacBook Pro doesn’t support Sonoma, so I can’t (yet) take advantage of this. But maybe the folks working on OpenCore will manage to get it working, in which case I’ll be jumping all over this.

  • !
    11 months ago

    Too bad Apple didn’t invest into the open source software that CodeWeavers and Valve are working on with Wine. But more choice of platforms is always a win for consumers.

    Edit 2: Codeweavers’ blog post

    Edit: Looks like it might be Wine according to this

    411 months ago

    Well if they want to actually make it easier, give up their Metal API and use Vulkan instead and stop trying to deprecate OpenGL and Vulkan. :/ I blacklisted them for deprecating OpenGL when my Macbook 2015 used to play OpenGL games just fine and then after one update, I can no longer play the same game on the same laptop that used to support OpenGL.

    211 months ago

    Does anyone know if this works with the Intel Macs? I have an older 2019 MacBook Pro with AMD GPU and would like to do some gaming on it.

    • DJDarrenOP
      311 months ago

      I asked about this on /r/MacGaming yesterday, and didn’t really get an answer. It seems that Intel Mac owners haven’t bothered because they can dual-boot Windows anyway. Which isn’t really the point. My Mac is too old for Ventura, let alone Sonoma, but I’m running Ventura through OpenCore. So I have to wait for when (if) OpenCore manages to support Sonoma before I can investigate.

    211 months ago

    Good stuff. I’ve never been a fan of Mac but I’m glad video games are becoming less reliant on Windows, even through a compatibility layer. If games actually run well I might consider getting a Macbook for the battery life.

    111 months ago

    I’d love if this opened up Steam’s library more to Mac users, especially for M series chips that don’t have Bootcamp. Still debating if I want to wait and work towards dual-booting Asahi Linux on my 2020 M1 Air, but this could be a really easy solution. Neither of the two cost hundreds like buying Parallels and a Windows license!

  • Space Sloth
    111 months ago

    Looking more and more forward to Sonoma!