The Gulf Stream plays a significant role in maintaining the climate of the US East Coast and Western Europe. “We conclude with a high degree of confidence that Gulf Stream transport has indeed slowed by about 4% in the past 40 years.” The full study is Here

    1679 months ago

    Everywhere I look everything is getting fucked to death. Insects, fish, entire ecosystems, entire climates, entire regions near the equator, all FUCKED.

    Then my uncle says “how come it’s getting colder some places, I thought the globe was supposed to be warming! Hahahah”

    At least he can arguably not give a fuck. He is rich and has no kids. I don’t get why the poors on the right side of the spectrum are so willing to parrot this idiotic bullshit though, don’t they realize their 600 even-poorer grandchildren are FUCKED?

    • Spzi
      359 months ago

      People with poor education are poor at spotting idiotic bullshit. Also there are other factors why people believe things. We aren’t that rational.

      • Hot Saucerman
        199 months ago

        It jives with how they see Trump as a “Godly, Christian man.” According to recent polls, they view him as more “Christian” than Mike fucking Pence.

        I wonder if part of it is that belief begets belief? They believe in Trump because he believes so deeply in himself and they identify with that?

      349 months ago

      don’t they realize their 600 even-poorer grandchildren are FUCKED?

      No. The effort to make that unclear has been very successful.

      • Zuberi 👀
        219 months ago

        As a very religious person until my 20s, I have brought up this idea to multiple people lol. My depressed-ass brain was like, why tf don’t we just rush to heaven instead?..

        I can ASSURE you, the “it’ll all be 100% fine when you’re dead” has killed so many people’s drives to be a good person.

        The planet is fucked because this 40% of USA voters don’t give one flying fuck about future generations.

          249 months ago

          I remember a case where a mother killed her two young kids because she wanted them to go to heaven. Her reasoning was that if they grew up and became sinners they would end up in hell. By murdering them before they knew what sin was she actually saved them. Thing is, if you believe in that shit then what she did really makes perfect sense.

            129 months ago

            That’s what I’ll ask christian mothers from now on.

            “If you really love your children how come you didn’t smother them immediately after their baptism?”

            • megane-kun
              59 months ago

              A horrible, horrible mental image entered my mind: a priest dunking an infant into the baptismal font during a baptism ceremony and then proceeding smoothly to a requiem prayer as the infant drowns in holy water.

                99 months ago

                They’ve drowned babies doing baptisms before… if you look online you can find some CRAZY violent orthodox baptisms out of russia and the like. They dunk them babies like a goddamn basketball. Baby pulling mad g forces.

                • megane-kun
                  59 months ago

                  I would have wished my horrible mental image was just a figment of my imagination, lol! Reality is stranger than fiction, indeed.

          69 months ago

          This is literally why suicide was made a mortal sin. Early Christians were killing themselves to get to heaven and the clergy of the time made it a sin because dead Christians pay no tithes.

    • Dynamo
      89 months ago

      But who’ll think of the poor investors? /s

          19 months ago

          Excuse me, I said hey rude ass, I’ve never used Tumblr. So, why don’t you tell me what this is then, tell me so I can fall in line with your expectations.

            09 months ago

            Putting emojis every other letter is a sign of Tumblr cancer. Don’t do that if you want to be taken seriously.

              09 months ago

              I wasn’t serious when I said I’d fall in line behind you. Emojis on are a world wide phenomenon. If it doesn’t appeal to you then move on. Are you this controlling and intolerant irl? Or are you just petty online? Since you seem to lack social nuance, I’ll be clear, I don’t really care by asking these questions. I am asking you to ask yourself. Pettiness and coercion are also a social cancer

    399 months ago

    Robust Weakening of the Gulf Stream During the Past Four Decades Observed in the Florida Straits

    Plain Language Summary

    The Gulf Stream is a major ocean current located off the East Coast of the United States. It carries a tremendous amount of seawater and along with it heat, carbon, and other ocean constituents. Because of this, the Gulf Stream plays an important role in weather and climate, influencing phenomena as seemingly unrelated as sea level along coastal Florida and temperature and precipitation over continental Europe. Given how important this ocean current is to science and society, scientists have tried to determine whether the Gulf Stream has undergone significant changes under global warming, but so far, they have not reached a firm conclusion. Here we report our effort to synthesize available Gulf Stream observations from the Florida Straits near Miami, and to assess whether and how the Gulf Stream transport there has changed since 1982. We conclude with a high degree of confidence that Gulf Stream transport has indeed slowed by about 4% in the past 40 years, the first conclusive, unambiguous observational evidence that this ocean current has undergone significant change in the recent past. Future studies should try to identify the cause of this change.

      619 months ago

      Rise in sea levels on the east coast, reduced rain in the east coast, stronger storms, and more precipitation in Europe and the tropics. According to wiki.

      I think it’ll also make some areas cold as fuck and probably heat up the gulf.

        479 months ago

        Western Europe will get pretty fucked without it, We’re much further north than people realise. The Netherlands is further north than Calgary, Canada

    • @bstix
      519 months ago

      The consequences are unpredictable. More extreme weather is about the only certainty.

      The energy of the heat transfer will not just be missing in Europe. It’ll also be in excess in the Caribbeans, perhaps creating stronger winds worldwide.

      Imagine a house with water radiators, where you turn off the circulation pump while keeping the furnace on full blast. It’s gotta go somewhere.

        9 months ago

        The consequences are unpredictable. More extreme weather is about the only certainty.

        Exactly this, and those two are actually connected: The more impulse you inject into a chaotic system its attractor changes to to switch more frequently between its basins. That was rather egg-headed.

        To provide a bit of intuition: Imagine a pendulum with a magnet at the bottom, hanging over a plate with magnets embedded in it, individually attracting the pendulum. Start the pendulum with a very light swing and it’s going to visit one magnet, probably circle a bit around it, switch to another, then probably back to the first, then maybe to a third, then back again. Now start the pendulum with a larger swing and it’s going to switch between pairs of states way more often as there’s plenty of energy to escape each magnet’s attraction, switching to another, it’s also going to visit more magnets.

        Why? Well, consider the extreme cases: Practically zero impulse means that the pendulum will visit the magnets on its path towards hanging straight down, then get stuck on one (becoming non-chaotic and that, in our analogy, would be the heat-death of the universe, don’t worry about it). The other extreme case would be to start the pendulum at a 90 degree angle or so, it will move right through all magnets on its way to the other side, be deflected a bit, then come back and take a slightly different path.

        Now, to make this more accurate: Imagine the pendulum with a little rocket motor on it, that is, it doesn’t just stop moving on its own, each magnet is a weather pattern, “rain there, wind from the north there, sunny elsewhere”. Now imagine that we’re increasing and increasing the output of that rocket. That’s climate change: Previously rare patterns become more likely and the majority of them aren’t nice.

      • Ertebolle
        349 months ago

        The good news is that Iceland won’t have to go around apologizing for its name anymore.

      • palordrolap
        9 months ago

        Maybe the warming and freezing will cancel out and the much smaller islands that will be left after the sea levels rise will still be temperate and worth living on.

        Edit: This is not an “I’m alright, Jack” comment. I’d rather this wasn’t even a vague possibility and that the planet wasn’t warming out of control.

          39 months ago

          Maybe the warming and freezing will cancel out and the much smaller islands that will be left after the sea levels rise will still be temperate and worth living on.

          Maybe, but food and water will be extremely scarce. We can’t all just up and move. You and I will almost certainly die of starvation.

        9 months ago

        So’s Norway - quite a few places on the west coast (the most inhabited non-Oslo part of the country) rely on the fact that the gulf stream keeps them unusually warm for their latitude

        I’m already seeing things that would normally grow fine out in the garden suffer from abnormally late and early frosts and mild summers. Rip my tomatos and onions. Everyone’s complaining about 20+ degree springs in the mainland while I’m screaming that it’s still snowing in late May.

          29 months ago

          Oof, I’m sorry to hear about your veggies :(

          I hope it doesn’t collapse, it would mean a lot of displaced people and loss of life.

      249 months ago

      East coast of Canada and US will become arid. Caribbean will become hotter and storms will become more severe. Scotland, Ireland, Iceland, and Norway will be substantially colder (compare latitude of UK with Northern Canada) and with less precipitation. Basically, everywhere that relies on warm tropical moist air currents will drastically change.

      9 months ago

      Europe is at the latitude of Canada, it lacks Canada’s climate gradient because of the Gulf stream

      We 'bouta see Siberia stretch its way to the Elbe!

      • Dynamo
        19 months ago

        Welp, at least we’ll get to see snow again before we drop

    • reflex
      -79 months ago

      What will be the consequences to this?

      It will have to be renamed to the Gulf Trickle.

    259 months ago

    I welcome the decrease in temperature, but it would be great if it weren’t connected to the earth being irreparably fucked. One winter at -40 (C or F) and people will start moving south and I might actually be able to afford to buy a house.

    69 months ago

    Oh well, we had a good innings there didn’t we?

    Still, I’m in my 40s now, so if it doesn’t completely collapse for about 50 years or so I’m pretty sure I won’t have to worry about it.

    29 months ago

    Is this not the only tipping point that can actually reduce energy held by the biosphere due to increased ice in the northern hemisphere, and therefor increasing Earth’s albedo?

        9 months ago

        Boi you’re the one who just decided to go to bat for anti-immigrant, anti-indigenous, and anti-working-class official language statuses and unofficial taboos against monolinguals or “wrong” bilinguals in state representation.

        Either that or you’re a dumbfuck who didn’t read the rest of the thread and decided you wanted to pop off anyways about some unrelated grievance completely separated from this conversation like the dumbfuck doing that would make ya, dumbfuck.

  • Dynamo
    -39 months ago

    Seeing this, i kinda hope that it happens as fast as possible. That way the rich will see exactly what they’ve done, and maybe we’ll manage to get some revenge

      159 months ago

      Hundreds of millions will die and hundreds of millions more will suffer, and the rich will care as much as they do right now

      109 months ago

      Yeah, force the rich to see all the poor people dying from their ivory towers. I’m sure they’ll suddenly start worrying about other people’s suffering.


      • Dr Cog
        19 months ago

        Ivory towers are still capable of being seiged

        Many governments have fallen over the years because they forgot that they only have a thin veil of control over their people

      89 months ago

      Nah they’ll be fine no matter what happens. Accelerationism hurts the most vulnerable more than anyone else.

  • DominusOfMegadeus
    -49 months ago

    While this is awful news, although completely unsurprising, this sentence stuck out to me: “I have been studying western boundary currents – primarily the Agulhas Current off South Africa – for 30 years,” Is this a full-time profession that pays a living wage?

      529 months ago

      This is what tenured professors do. They apply for research grants in their field, run laboratories, and publish papers. It’s how most public academic research gets done and this is indeed a full-time job that pays decently (but not fabulously) well. As far as the focus of her studies go: she is an Oceanography professor at the University of Miami, so… like… what else is she going to research other than the boundary of the western Atlantic ocean?

      • DominusOfMegadeus
        -49 months ago

        It’s amazing how few fucks I give about your doubts! You only learn by asking questions, rude internet stranger.

          9 months ago

          It’s amazing how prevalently oversensitive, whiny little anti-intellectualists like you walk the lands and somehow feed themselves.

          Now get defensive and try to roast me like you do everyone who calls you out on it, do it like we know you will 👏

    • Queue
      609 months ago

      “The climate changing is not proof of climate change!”

      Top minds are hard at work here today.

        9 months ago

        Even if OP meant global warming, they didn’t include evidence here because it’s pretty much implied. If you’re literate enough to read actual papers there are indeed people that work out the odds each event or disaster is unrelated to GW, and those odds are often tiny.

        -119 months ago

        A phenomenon that causes climate change is not necessarily caused by climate change. If i burn a forest down it would increase climate change, but the cause is me burning down a forest.

        9 months ago

        No its not. And im not denying climate change or anything.

        This is a phenomenon that increases climate change, but i saw nothing in the article suggesting this slowdown of the stream was caused by climate change.

        For example, if i start a forest fire and a ton of trees are burned, this will increase climate change, but this theoretical forest fire wouldnt have been caused BY climate change - it would have been caused by me.

        The abstract strongly suggests “climate change is likely responsible”, but i saw nothing in the article supporting that. Maybe i just missed it, but i was quite disappointed.

          109 months ago

          Of course, all of that northern ice melting and turning into water must have nothing to do with how water moves in oceans.

            -59 months ago

            Probably does - but it was disappointing the article did not give any expert’s explanation on the matter. Why is it so wrong to state that those details are missing from the article?

          109 months ago

          Ice from Greenland and Canada is melting and flowing into the northern North Atlantic, slowing down the Gulf Stream. This is quite well known in the climate community, which might be why the article did not explicitly say it.

          89 months ago

          This is most likely caused by changes in ocean temperatures. Those changes are part of climate change.

          Global weather is an extremely complex system. Any change will have knock-on effects on the rest of the system. If the changes are big enough, you start seeing big effects like this.

          I’m not sure what your example is meant to show. An ocean-scale current isn’t something you can walk up to and mess with. But burning forests is certainly a contributor to climate change, which would be one of the causative factors in ocean warming and currents changing.

            -39 months ago

            Its just a simple example of cause and effect. I am not denying climate change, i just saw no explanation in the article about which parts of climate change diectly contributed to this, which felt very missing considering its in the abstract. This is all i am saying.

            Your explanation is true, but i just wanted the details.