37.1C is when I die.
This is mostly because men showing any sign of weakness is blown out of proportion by observers, not because we complain about it.
Right? I make one groan in the office because I’m aching due to food poisoning, and it’s like I just emailed the entire floor to come make comments about me acting as if I’m dying.
… why are you in the office when you have food poisoning?
But of course you’re likely in the US, so no need to say anything. You guys are fucked in that regard
My co-workers saw me turn almost sheet-white before spending the next 45 minutes throwing up in the company bathroom, trying to drive home and having to go to the ER halfway because I was throwing up and dehydrating so badly I could barely move my hands anymore
Even with a doctor’s note management and HR were like “ok but did you have to call out sick the next day tho?”
I eventually quit a month or so later when they tried to write me up for not coming in while being sick after our entire delivery driver team (who only directly interact with me) all got sick and spent 3 weeks coming in and sneezing on me
Fuck the US
Yep, I’m sorry that happened to you :/
I’ll say, a lot of people say food poisoning when they have any sort of nausea after eating. They should probably still go home, but the degree of sickness is not the same. What gamermanh describes is food poisoning. The 2-3 times I’ve had that in my life, I’d have preferred death for the ~6-10 hours it afflicted me. And I’ve had MANY kidney stones.
Nah. I worked all last week slinging mulch, rock and dirt with bruised ribs, because I’m a tough guy. One of those nights I got slight chills and crawled into bed like a sick puppy. I am in this meme.
Unironically women are better at dealing with being sick due to hormones. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3013263/#%3A~%3Atext=Generally%2C+men+are+more+vulnerable%2C%2C+kidney+disease%2C+and+atherosclerosis.
Biology’s wild
Unironically I read through your whole link and found no mention of anything related to “better at dealing with being sick due to hormones”.
Either you linked the wrong article or you’re making stuff up.
The closest in there was
The gender differences in the biological determinants of health and illness include differential genetic vulnerability to illness, reproductive and hormonal factors, and differences in physiological characteristics during the life-cycle.
But it goes on to talk about tropical diseases like Malaria, chronic health issues like heart disease, and mental health issues.
I came here to make the same comment. Glad I didn’t misread it, I couldn’t find that specific statement in the article that would lead me to that conclusion.
It is an interesting read, but there are clearly numerous factors at play.
https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/man-flu-really-thing-2018010413033 covers some possible interactions between hormones and flu, but the vibe I get from it is that the topic is understudied.
Thanks, yeah, looks like it
I don’t know about the hormones part, but it is a well documented discrepancy between the perceived level of discomfort between men and women when sick.
Yeah, I’m not doubting that necessarily, I was just pointing out that “well documented” was not what OPs comment was.
Yes and men are better at recovering from injury. Testosterone causes both effects. It’s a tradeoff!
One of my friends couldn’t believe I’d never heard the term “man flu”. Once it was explained to me, I laughed. (I’m a guy, btw.)
So… Explain it?
Never heard of the “man flu”
Some men tend to act like minor illnesses are more serious than they actually are. I know I have. I don’t get sick often, so I worry about it when I actually do.
Fuck gender norms. Im a man who wants to be a stay at home dad who’s more than comfortable with the fact that my wife makes more money than me.
I also take the “mild fever” as what its supposed to be. I dont take medicine because im a “tough guy,” i dont take medicine because i let my body heat up to kill what ever is inside of me thats not supposed to be there. I let science run its course because thats gonna make me feel better sooner.
Had a fever this week. Sweated it out over night, slept all day the next day, fully functioning the day after that.
Sweated it out over night, slept all day the next day
If I did that, I’d be “weak” because I didn’t “tough it out” and work a 12 hour shift while I was contagious AF and make things worse for everyone else because “a real man doesn’t take days off!”
…fuck that. I’m staying wrapped in my giant blanket until the fever breaks.
The millennial American dream is a partner who makes more money than you.
I once had a 41° fever. That was ultra brutal, don’t recommend.
While women push out a mid-size poop and you’ll hear the end of it just becaus she named it.
Shove this sexist meme up your ass.
I just go to work when I have a mild fever
That’s really bad. You might get other people sick with what you have, but if they’re immune compromised or otherwise vulnerable they could have a really bad, possibly fatal, time.
Gotta get the K/D rate up (I do wear masks all days everyday sick or not)
Work at Home right??? Not in an office??
I will curl into a ball and die with the slightest fever (I rarely get one). Physical pain? I’ll fucking limp into work and pop another couple kratom.