Steve Witkoff said the Russian leader had an artist paint a portrait of Trump and gave it to the American president as a gift. Witkoff called Putin “super smart” and not “a bad guy.”
Steve Witkoff said the Russian leader had an artist paint a portrait of Trump and gave it to the American president as a gift. Witkoff called Putin “super smart” and not “a bad guy.”
This is just dumb conspiracy theory shit.
Bullet trajectory showed Trump would be dead if he didn’t turn his head last minute. That slight turn allowed the bullet only to glance his ear. That same bullet then hit some in the crowd behind him. He then fliched a bit, and the other shots that were still aimed at the initial first spot all missed and hit the crowd behind him.
There is such a slim chance that was all planned. Trump was directly in line of fire and could have easily been killed if this was just a stunt. They’d never risk that.
Don’t spread shit rumors in a time when there is plenty of real shit in front of your eyes to be angry about.
I absolutely agree. It weakens the position.
Straight up proof that there is no god
Or it’s proof that there is a god and he’s a massive piece of shit that gives the worst people the best luck. Seems to be the trend among the worst of us. :/
That would have been the only footage of a human getting their head blown apart that I would have watched every day over breakfast.
Can’t disagree
There is no proof it hit his ear actually.
Yup. Trump learned blading from wrestling. Crooks aimed and shot at the audience, gets killed as well. Trump cuts his own ear.
Did you read the doctor’s report?
Oh, wait…
What is this? A 4Chan psyops? We’re not falling for that here.
Did you!? Then stop spreading shit!
Pretty sure his point was nobody did, which is the problem.
trump’s SS recruited Crooks to “help out” with their security detail, then when trump gave the cue for everyone to look to the right, trump’s SS simultaneously murdered Crooks while another SS on the watertower behind Crooks shot into the crowd, killing Comperatore. Nobody fired at trump. This is unequivocally what really happened.
Unequivocally my ass
One of the weirdest thing about the last 20 years or so has been how unfounded conspiracy theories and wild-ass guesses and feels get stated as fac, and people stop realizing there’s a difference. Which lead to really sloppy thinking (including Trump’s rise)
What about my narrative concerning what really happened at Butler PA sounds like a “wild-ass guess” to you? Nothing “unfounded” about what really happened at Butler PA. trump’s SS staged a fake assassination and murdered Crooks and Comperatore.
The lack of proof?
What “proof” do you hold to believe the “official narrative” over what I said really happened? Where is your own proof for the alternative narrative you believe?
What is so hard to believe about someone acting on their own beliefs to try to kill one of the most hated and divisive people in our present time in history.
Or why is it hard to believe that the SS failed in their duty to actively protect the president or president elect. Not like that hasn’t happened in US history ever. (Regan, Kennedy, Lincoln…).
Easier to believe the conspiracy I guess.
Crooks was well-noted as a passionate righty. He had trump signs in his home yard the day he was murdered.
He was a friendless loner who went to the gun range frequently. Crooks had been in a Blackrock/Xe promo a handful of years earlier.
For “some reason,” trump’s SS said the school roof where Crooks was murdered was “outside their perimeter,” even though it was in full view of the rally. Since the SS knew this, why would they allow Crooks to be seen by the public on the school roof with a gun for approximately ten minutes before the SS killed Crooks? Because Crooks was “security help.” And there was a guy in black on the watertower behind Crooks during the shooting. This is documented by multiple witnesses.
That’s whataboutism, regardless of the answer. I didnt say anythibg about the other theory.
Lack of proof is why your theory is perceived to be just some wild-ass guess.
There is no proof of what you say. Therefore it is unfounded.
You can make your own false assumptions, but spreading conspiracy theories like this is dangerous.
“Dangerous.” You say nothing here beyond your assumption that you are the smartest guy in the room.
Okay. Why do you not believe the narrative I’ve shared, and what do you believe happened instead? (And third, why do you believe you know better than myself?)
I believe in facts, not assumed narratives.
I shared above how things played out.
Until any facts come out about SS or other groups plots to conspire to fake an attempt on Trump, I will believe that this person acted by themselves and actually tried to kill Trump for their own reasons. And failed, killing others on accident, and getting himself killed in the process.
Crazy to assume otherwise.
Nope. Your “contrived story” fails to explain why a lifelong trumpee with trumpee yard signs would have any motive to kill dotard.
Didn’t realize the facts of how things played out would be considered a contrived story.
But if you believe conspiracies… Not too surprising that’s what you think
Bro there are no “facts” available anywhere about the staged murders of Crooks & Comperatore.
What have you accomplished in your life to assume you’re more credible than me? Seriously.
Why should I believe you?
Because my narrative actually makes sense and adds up, unlike the “official” absence of a narrative.
So you have evidence for this?
My narrative adds up. Yours does not.
I did not present any narrative at all. I only asked you to support your claim.
And I did. I stated that you cannot find fault in my narrative. If you provide a narrative other than mine, it is likely faulty because it is contrived.
Well, I posit that it was done by mind controlling aliens from Mars. I will also provide no evidence, and you cannot disagree or find fault in my narrative as yours is contrived.