But what, and hear me out, hear me out hear, what if that shot all those years ago was actually part of a plot spanning across all political parties and involving millions of government employees and the plot was to give us a shot to minimize unnecessary death BUT that shot hurt a little bit and I don’t like ouchies so, and hear me out, what if we don’t get the shit and protest it but come up with a better excuse than disliking ouchies?
But what, and hear me out, hear me out hear, what if that shot all those years ago was actually part of a plot spanning across all political parties and involving millions of government employees and the plot was to give us a shot to minimize unnecessary death BUT that shot hurt a little bit and I don’t like ouchies so, and hear me out, what if we don’t get the shit and protest it but come up with a better excuse than disliking ouchies?
"don’t leave, hear us out, don’t leave, hear us out, hear us out, hear us out. Sushi Glory Hole, imagine that.
Or it was part of a plot to put oligarchs with vested financial interests in control of the US government?
…Oh, right, we got that already.