right. they have brain damage from all the shit they caught, or believe jesus will save them.
i have had these conversations. If you want to be a plague rat, fuck you, die on an island with all the other plague rats.
not every vaccine is safe. the anthrax vaccine, for example, is genuinely like 1/10th as terrifying as anthrax. which is pretty firmly nightmare shit. what’s why no large population is given the anthrax vaccine. it’s only for security-critical personnel. you literally cannot get it, not even if you want to. it’s probably just straight up not available unless you have security clearances.
flu vaccines are ridiculously safe. a hamburger cooked rare is much much more dangerous than modern influenza vaccines. anyone who doesn’t take them when offered, and isn’t immunocompromised (so it would be a danger with no benefit, because not enough immune system to train and even a dead virus would put them at risk) is a fucking menace.
you are wrong. you are bad. you are going to kill innocent people, probably those closest to you, at random over the next few years. you are the reason we can’t end diseases. you are what is wrong with the world, because you need to feel special, but are too dumb and cowardly to do anything genuinely good. there are ways you’re better than a fascist, but, wow, it’s a small enough gap that I would not be comfy with that.
There are those CBD things I use when someone annoys me too much, can recommend. I advise also switching accounts during the next days to forget about this and not see notifications.
Finally, distract yourself with something fun to recharge the online fight batteries. Couple of days and you will be as good as new, I guarantee
My favourite choice is books but anything that sucks you in works
counterpoint: if I don’t push my limits, how will I ever grow strong? really, not practicing self care is exactly the same as getting my 30 minutes a day run or fistful of spinach in. not that eating disorders are off the table. you know, if I really want to toughen up mentally.
You dont have conversations man. :) I read your comment here and im just looking at someone who wants to talk and convince rather than listen and understand.
If thats your thing, sure, but its a hard sell to say its a conversation. :) You also sound angry, so you have convinced yourself that others are so dumb, and you are so smart, and why wont they listen. Lol.
I don’t think you’re capable of listening or understanding, and I have no interest in what you have to say.
yeah, I think you’re either profoundly evil or profoundly stupid. people are dying. children are dying. so fucking many. so I’m also a little angry. because you’re fucking killing people and there’s no point. there’s literally no reason.
We were on the cusp of one of the greatest achievements in human history. as XKCD put it: ‘killing one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse’ and you fucking delusional shit bags decided to switch sides. anyone who respects or listens to you is scum.
If you would meet me, you would probably be quite surprised. :) And you would quickly realize Im not evil or stupid. But here online, I understand its easy to think so. But you couldnt even guess my age or occupation. I know its easy to think that im some random guy living in his moms basement since I think differently about this topic. But you would quickly realize its not quite like that. :)
I just dont want to bet my life on not having side effects.
no, dude. YOU don’t think you’re evil or stupid. you are literally incapable of thinking those things. it’s part of what drove you to being a plague rat.
I don’t care about your age or occupation. I dunno, shot in the dark? crunchy granola middle aged woman, probably kids, maybe a job in design or a job that you just kind of adopted the mantle of being ‘the medical person’ in your social group without broad medical knowledge-phlebotomist, x ray tech, maybe something else like that, pooooossibly something managerial/legal. with lots of crystals and shit. I had anti vaxxers in my family. anti vaxxers before it was cool.
I don’t care what bets you want to make. you are not smart enough to make your own decisions. you do not get to make those decisions for everyone else. you do not understand what risks do and do not exist. you can read what i’ve said elsewhere in this thread, possibly to you. Your emotions are fake-ass confected bullshit to deal with being so fucking bored because you’ve never had a real challenge in your life and don’t really have to engage with the real world all that much, but you still want to feel special and like you’re having an adventure. you and your fucking suburban fear cults can fuck off and die, and if you could do it without putting the rest of the world at risk, I would be cheering for it.
Im not a middle aged woman man, that made me laugh out loud. :) Also im an academic, but not in healthcare.
I just wrote that to see that kind of person you think you are talking to here, and its just some lady that annoyed you in your past, so you react this way now to everyone who doesnt vaccinate. It makes sense.
Anyway, you are obviously so emotional about this that you cant really have a conversation about it, so lets part ways here and do something productive. I should actually pack for a trip to amsterdam tomorrow.
you’re kind of an existential threat to humanity. you’re killing people. you’re killing people. you’re killing people.
I don’t care how ‘cool’ you are. you’re killing people.
I don’t care how smart you are on one narrow topic. you’re killing people.
I don’t care what you think you are. you’re killing people.
and there’s no reason to do it but selfish bullshit. I would think more highly of you if you were the basement dweller originally proposed, because that would mean you have an excuse to be so god damn ignorant and mentally ill, and also you wouldn’t have much opportunity to spread.
right. they have brain damage from all the shit they caught, or believe jesus will save them.
i have had these conversations. If you want to be a plague rat, fuck you, die on an island with all the other plague rats.
not every vaccine is safe. the anthrax vaccine, for example, is genuinely like 1/10th as terrifying as anthrax. which is pretty firmly nightmare shit. what’s why no large population is given the anthrax vaccine. it’s only for security-critical personnel. you literally cannot get it, not even if you want to. it’s probably just straight up not available unless you have security clearances.
flu vaccines are ridiculously safe. a hamburger cooked rare is much much more dangerous than modern influenza vaccines. anyone who doesn’t take them when offered, and isn’t immunocompromised (so it would be a danger with no benefit, because not enough immune system to train and even a dead virus would put them at risk) is a fucking menace.
you are wrong. you are bad. you are going to kill innocent people, probably those closest to you, at random over the next few years. you are the reason we can’t end diseases. you are what is wrong with the world, because you need to feel special, but are too dumb and cowardly to do anything genuinely good. there are ways you’re better than a fascist, but, wow, it’s a small enough gap that I would not be comfy with that.
Holy shit that was intense. How do you feel now?
There are those CBD things I use when someone annoys me too much, can recommend. I advise also switching accounts during the next days to forget about this and not see notifications.
Finally, distract yourself with something fun to recharge the online fight batteries. Couple of days and you will be as good as new, I guarantee
My favourite choice is books but anything that sucks you in works
I just blocked it. I have some industrial strength edibles ready next time I can afford to lose a whole day. which is a few hours from now.
Take care and remember to treat mental health hygiene seriously. The best cure is prevention after all
counterpoint: if I don’t push my limits, how will I ever grow strong? really, not practicing self care is exactly the same as getting my 30 minutes a day run or fistful of spinach in. not that eating disorders are off the table. you know, if I really want to toughen up mentally.
Well yes but honestly I am not sure if toughening up is really what most people think it is and want it.
It’s better to feel more than feel kinda empty from all the toughening. There is no value in suffering
okay, but, counterpoint, what if I’m already in a living hell and want to see that as virtuous to feel something? huh? did you ever think of that?
Just take care of yourself, please. As much as you can anyhow
okay but what if I hate that bitch?
also, capitalism, care is a crime. are you a fed or something?
You dont have conversations man. :) I read your comment here and im just looking at someone who wants to talk and convince rather than listen and understand.
If thats your thing, sure, but its a hard sell to say its a conversation. :) You also sound angry, so you have convinced yourself that others are so dumb, and you are so smart, and why wont they listen. Lol.
I don’t think you’re capable of listening or understanding, and I have no interest in what you have to say.
yeah, I think you’re either profoundly evil or profoundly stupid. people are dying. children are dying. so fucking many. so I’m also a little angry. because you’re fucking killing people and there’s no point. there’s literally no reason.
We were on the cusp of one of the greatest achievements in human history. as XKCD put it: ‘killing one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse’ and you fucking delusional shit bags decided to switch sides. anyone who respects or listens to you is scum.
If you would meet me, you would probably be quite surprised. :) And you would quickly realize Im not evil or stupid. But here online, I understand its easy to think so. But you couldnt even guess my age or occupation. I know its easy to think that im some random guy living in his moms basement since I think differently about this topic. But you would quickly realize its not quite like that. :)
I just dont want to bet my life on not having side effects.
I don’t want to meet you, plague rat.
no, dude. YOU don’t think you’re evil or stupid. you are literally incapable of thinking those things. it’s part of what drove you to being a plague rat.
I don’t care about your age or occupation. I dunno, shot in the dark? crunchy granola middle aged woman, probably kids, maybe a job in design or a job that you just kind of adopted the mantle of being ‘the medical person’ in your social group without broad medical knowledge-phlebotomist, x ray tech, maybe something else like that, pooooossibly something managerial/legal. with lots of crystals and shit. I had anti vaxxers in my family. anti vaxxers before it was cool.
I don’t care what bets you want to make. you are not smart enough to make your own decisions. you do not get to make those decisions for everyone else. you do not understand what risks do and do not exist. you can read what i’ve said elsewhere in this thread, possibly to you. Your emotions are fake-ass confected bullshit to deal with being so fucking bored because you’ve never had a real challenge in your life and don’t really have to engage with the real world all that much, but you still want to feel special and like you’re having an adventure. you and your fucking suburban fear cults can fuck off and die, and if you could do it without putting the rest of the world at risk, I would be cheering for it.
but you can’t.
Im not a middle aged woman man, that made me laugh out loud. :) Also im an academic, but not in healthcare.
I just wrote that to see that kind of person you think you are talking to here, and its just some lady that annoyed you in your past, so you react this way now to everyone who doesnt vaccinate. It makes sense.
Anyway, you are obviously so emotional about this that you cant really have a conversation about it, so lets part ways here and do something productive. I should actually pack for a trip to amsterdam tomorrow.
you’re kind of an existential threat to humanity. you’re killing people. you’re killing people. you’re killing people.
I don’t care how ‘cool’ you are. you’re killing people.
I don’t care how smart you are on one narrow topic. you’re killing people.
I don’t care what you think you are. you’re killing people.
and there’s no reason to do it but selfish bullshit. I would think more highly of you if you were the basement dweller originally proposed, because that would mean you have an excuse to be so god damn ignorant and mentally ill, and also you wouldn’t have much opportunity to spread.
We are done talking. Talking did us no good. Now we take down the Nazis, and save lives.