They throw their young generations into the meat grinder just to control resources. Putin couldn’t find a way to pivot to new domestic products so now people get to die.
Ukraine has lots of valuable natural resources, but Russia has much more of everything. The biggest reason for the invasion is most likely that Putin could not let a “brother nation” prosper and drift towards Europe and being a functioning democracy.
Russia’s population might get wild ideas if they saw that their Ukrainian cousins’ standard of living starts to rise rapidly while they have to endure living under a fascist dictator. And substandard and underdeveloped infrastructure, due to the rampant corruption and a government who doesn’t give a shit about the areas outside the larger cities.
It’s that but (playing devil’s advocate for a second) Russia “traditionally” had a huge buffer between Moscow and the evil west. If Ukraine goes European and -worse- NATO, then that evil west with their evil ideas like freedom and democracy is suddenly quite close to Moscow’s doorstep.
Not particularly, the problem is that Russia is stupid and would rather try to annex Ukraine rather than invest time and resources into the development of Siberia. Also they don’t want to actually improve things just make them worse.
Well its either that or collapse, problem with Russia though is that the various ethnic and political groups that could’ve collapsed it easily were more or less wiped out during the holodomor. Specifically the ones in Siberia and the far east.
Lots of native Siberians and the Eastern Ukrainians, while the Holodomor was centralized to Ukraine it was not restricted to Ukraine itself. Meaning lots and lots of starving people that either fled or died. Also the Soviets were still doing purges throughout Siberia and the Far East because they were paranoid of a resurgent White or Black army which definitely didn’t help, also when I say purges I mean entire villages wiped out.
I thought it was about access to that gasline without Ukraine intervention, but then they blew it up or something, soooo…nothing? Baby boy Putin has been anti-Ukraine for a decade at least. Seems to be about being anti-NATO and for “political power”, but I doubt Putin will gain any if they end up winning against Ukraine.
They throw their young generations into the meat grinder just to control resources. Putin couldn’t find a way to pivot to new domestic products so now people get to die.
Fight war, not wars.
does ukraine actually have resources? russia is gigantic what could they possibly need so badly
It’s about oil and natural gas, everything else is spin and propaganda.
Ukraine has lots of valuable natural resources, but Russia has much more of everything. The biggest reason for the invasion is most likely that Putin could not let a “brother nation” prosper and drift towards Europe and being a functioning democracy.
Russia’s population might get wild ideas if they saw that their Ukrainian cousins’ standard of living starts to rise rapidly while they have to endure living under a fascist dictator. And substandard and underdeveloped infrastructure, due to the rampant corruption and a government who doesn’t give a shit about the areas outside the larger cities.
It’s that but (playing devil’s advocate for a second) Russia “traditionally” had a huge buffer between Moscow and the evil west. If Ukraine goes European and -worse- NATO, then that evil west with their evil ideas like freedom and democracy is suddenly quite close to Moscow’s doorstep.
They have some rare earth minearals and a lot of farmland.
anything fancy that russia doesn’t have ?
Not particularly, the problem is that Russia is stupid and would rather try to annex Ukraine rather than invest time and resources into the development of Siberia. Also they don’t want to actually improve things just make them worse.
That’s kind of what happens when your government and economy functions off of corruption.
Well its either that or collapse, problem with Russia though is that the various ethnic and political groups that could’ve collapsed it easily were more or less wiped out during the holodomor. Specifically the ones in Siberia and the far east.
What happened in Siberia and the far east? Which groups were killed?
Lots of native Siberians and the Eastern Ukrainians, while the Holodomor was centralized to Ukraine it was not restricted to Ukraine itself. Meaning lots and lots of starving people that either fled or died. Also the Soviets were still doing purges throughout Siberia and the Far East because they were paranoid of a resurgent White or Black army which definitely didn’t help, also when I say purges I mean entire villages wiped out.
I thought it was about access to that gasline without Ukraine intervention, but then they blew it up or something, soooo…nothing? Baby boy Putin has been anti-Ukraine for a decade at least. Seems to be about being anti-NATO and for “political power”, but I doubt Putin will gain any if they end up winning against Ukraine.
It is.