That’s the issue with the FPTP voting system, it always eventually leads to a 2-party state like the US and the majority of the population votes for someone other than the winning party.
This happens in literally every country with the same voting system as the US.
How many of those who didn’t vote were from the states where Democrats won?
How many were from swing states?
How many were from Red states?
In an electoral college based election these nuances matter.
Compulsory voting in Australia is looking good
It’s something to keep in mind.
Don’t alienate those 36.32%. I’m sure some of us have strong feelings about their choices, but at the end of the day they outnumber Democrats and Republicans each by quite a bit. If you want to see change you are going to have to convince some of them to join you. This goes for elections and this goes for revolutions.
This is misleading.
According to those stats, the majority of people voted for someone other than Harris as well.
The real takeaway here is large percentage of people that don’t vote.
Both times Trump won was when a woman was running against him. The only time he lost was to a white old man.
USA is just sexist and Americans better come to terms with it rather than making up random reasons.
Pffffft, the rest of you lot knew what was at stake, the lazy twats who couldn’t be bothered to save their own nation by exercising their RIGHT to vote aren’t off the hook. I’ve literally started to cringe when hearing Americans in public (I live in the UK) because in my mind subconsciously there’s a high chance that person is dumb as fuck.
Why on earth these people didn’t vote?
I’ll take whoever this “Did not vote” instead please
In conclusion 68% let Trump win or directly voted for him.
I need to mention that the reason why 20 million fewer voters voted is. Because of the massive voter suppression that was done prior to the 2024 election. So many people were purged from voters rolls and many polling places were closed it wasn’t funny.
Those who didn’t vote, who thought their vote didn’t matter, that no matter which politician gets elected to whatever office… they’re complicit.
68.1% of US citizens are bloody idiots.
trump talked about how elon knows those voting computers so well
American democracy and freedom are fucked. But I don’t blame those 36% of non-voters. These people were INSPIRED to give up on politics.
It’s the media environment. Political coverage fucking sucks by design. Left populism is too interesting to be given air time, too much of a threat to the people who fund the parties and own the media. Politics used to be interesting. Politicians used to say things, now they just run out the clock with white noise.