I actually do most of these already… I just don’t really see how they get us out of the current crisis. But maybe there simply isn’t a short-term solution.
I’m worried that if the government slips into full fascism then organizing is going to get a lot more difficult and dangerous.
Organize your community.
Read history and theory from other radicals.
Find like minded people and put your labor into providing food and everyday essentials like soap to your community members who can’t afford them.
Gather in the streets and make your voices heard.
Work on a community garden and plant vegetables at home if you can.
Forge bonds with your literal neighbors and learn what about the accessibility needs of those around you.
Make emergency preparednes kits and discuss plans with your neighbors and comrades.
Talk to the queer people you know who don’t feel safe in their home/city/state/country about what they need to be safe.
Build bonds with real people who also want to make change, and dont fucking talk to cops.
Learn about the dangers both infiltration and jacketing pose to radical movements, and practice disciplined opsec.
Do all of this and anything else that your local community needs to survive and thrive without relying on fascist government or capitalists generally.
TLDR: Practice mutual aid and solidarity.
I actually do most of these already… I just don’t really see how they get us out of the current crisis. But maybe there simply isn’t a short-term solution.
I’m worried that if the government slips into full fascism then organizing is going to get a lot more difficult and dangerous.