I do use Komoot quite regularly and purchased the offline world map for a one-time fee years ago. Unfortunately, after that, they started a subscription model (‘premium’) and now many features are locked behind a paywall. E.g., you don’t have access to the hiking maps layer that highlights bigger paths (long distance trails, GRs etc.) with a special colors. You can still plan with the Komoot standard map, but without the coloring of the official paths, you may unnecessecerily pick very unofficial paths that aren’t well-maintained anymore, which are overgrown with thorns or which simply ceased to exist.
The tool is handy but as the hiking maps are all based on free OSM data and they restricted access after I paid, I always find their business practices a bit shady.
TomTom did the same. It used to be a one-off payment and now it’s a subscription. Those who made the one-off payment were only able to keep using it for a limited time and then they had to subscribe too.
I really like komoot but I find that the routes are not super good or complete for Japan where I live. I use Ride With GPS instead.
Runkeeper asics could be another alternative but Japan based. Would love to see more suggestions
Otherwise rungap (DK based) list and sync all the various sport tracking service
Runkeeper only works with Spotify and Apple Music, though, so if you want to listen to music you’re stuck with a choice between a rock and a hard place.