• 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 30th, 2024

  • rbn@sopuli.xyztovegan@lemmy.worldRecent happenings
    7 hours ago

    I think that’s an adequate reaction. Thank you for taking action and being transparant about it.

    As a member of this community for quite some time, the past couple of days felt really weird to me. Instead of peaceful and (from my perspective) valuable communication between vegans and non-vegans, the mood changed to a radical, almost war-like athmosphere. I was not among those being banned but I had several discussions where suddenly loads of other, completely normal posts were deleted.

    I think this community should be open for other opinions. Everyone who’d like to engage in a respectful way - vegan or not - should be welcomed. I think the target should be to have a ‘pro-vegan community’ and not a ‘hardline anti everything that is even remotely non-vegan’.

  • rbn@sopuli.xyztovegan@lemmy.worldWhen I tell people I'm vegan
    22 hours ago

    I always struggle with Happy Cow and its filter options. You can either filter for ‘vegan sites’ or ‘vegetarian options’ but not ‘vegan options’.

    Option 1 will only show restaurants and cafés that are fully vegan, so this will bring the list down to almost nothing in most smaller or medium-sized cities.

    Option 2 shows all restaurants that serve also vegetarian food but not necessarily vegan options. So this leaves me with a huge list.

    I’d like filters like ‘has at least two vegan options declared in the menu’ or ‘offers vegan options on request’.

  • Does anyone know how they define junk food in that guideline? Is it based on calories / fat / sugar? Or do they have a specific list of products that are now forbidden in ads? Or a list of companies? Does the ban include product placements (like a kids movie where a family goes to McD? What about ‘normal’ content about fast food (like SpongeBob making krabby burgers)?

    I really appreciate the law but I think it can be quite challenging to draw the line between legal and illegal.

  • rbn@sopuli.xyztovegan@lemmy.worldIt’s time to be consistent
    1 day ago

    I see where you’re coming from. For me ‘completely normal person’ implied that the comic refers to normal consumers and not a tiny minority. If it’s targeted at slaughterhouse employees that enjoy killing animals then we’re talking about a) a really small part of society and b) noone that would be considered a considered a normal person by the mainstream.

    I’m completely on board with you that most and especially the bigger, industrialized slaughterhouses are horrible places. But I think also the majority of non-vegans agrees on that. And I also don’t think that every employee working there is inherently an evil person. At least in Germany these jobs are paid extremely poor and as very few locals are willing to do that work, the industry exploits workers from Eastern Europe who desparately need the money to support their families. I doubt that these people enjoy what they do. And out of the few psychopathts who do, there’s for sure a decent share that turned sick because of their violent job.

  • rbn@sopuli.xyztovegan@lemmy.worldIt’s time to be consistent
    23 hours ago

    I think we agree that veganism is not the only aspect of morally superior behavior.

    And I’m 100% sure that we can reach more people by including rather than shaming them. Bring vegan cake or cook for your coworkers. Show them that there’s more than just bread and water. Invite them to a vegan restaurant. If someone tells you that they’re trying to reduce meat in their diet, praise them for their efforts rather than reminding them that they’re still causing harm drinking milk.

    Positive affirmation is such a powerful tool whereas blaming is mostly divisive and increasing defensive behavior.

  • rbn@sopuli.xyztovegan@lemmy.worldIt’s time to be consistent
    1 day ago

    Ever bought literally ANYTHING that is made in China, Bangladesh, India etc.? Oh what a monster of human being you are as you are clearly supporting child labor, slavery, horrible working conditions and destroying the environment with harmful chemistries!

    Ever drove a car? Down to hell with you and the fossil fuel that’s running through your veins!

    Eating vegetables or fruit? Maybe even from non-ecological agriculture? So you obviously enjoy deforestation of the rain forest and poisoning all these innocent insects and birds!

    I could continue that list like forever but I think you know where I’m going.

  • rbn@sopuli.xyztovegan@lemmy.worldIt’s time to be consistent
    1 day ago

    I doubt that you find a lot of people that enjoy killing pigs as implied by the smiling guy your comic. I think nowadays almost no one ever killed an animal or saw one being killed in real life. Most people just buy meat from the butcher or supermarket and try to ignore where it’s coming from.

    If we want veganism to grow, I don’t think it’s helpful to discredit those you’d like to change as fundamentally evil people. If ‘we’ don’t want to be seem as the annoying, extremist vegans, we shouldn’t declare ‘them’ as heartless, evil murderers.

  • Finde 17% auch schon ziemlich gut. Und wenn man das der Einfachheit halber mal als 1 Tag pro Woche nimmt, wären es immerhin 20% weniger Hin- und Her-Pendelei zwischen Wohn- und Arbeitsort. Entlastet die Infrastruktur und schont die Umwelt.

    Ich finde Home Office ne super Sache, nur noch nicht so richtig sozial gerecht bislang. Wenn der Kapitalismus funktionieren würde, könnte man ja hoffen, dass Jobs ohne Home Office Möglichkeit dann immer schwerer Leute finden und - um die offenen Stellen attraktiver zu machen - entsprechend höhere Gehälter gezahlt würden als Ausgleich. Aber leider ist auch das wieder eher ein Benefit für die eh schon höher angesiedelten Jobs…