I think I might finally be on the road to getting some sort of diagnosis and learning how to live (although it’s still talk right now and who knows if I don’t just end up with an appointment 6 months from now). At this point I’m 90% sure it’s autism or ADHD or some combination thereof. But I’m also aware of the possible folly of reading into things as far as self diagnosis goes. But I’ve been lurking and spending time in these sorts of communities for a couple of years now and feel like I’ve been learning more and more about myself. And I’m pretty sure now that I’m not just stupid and lazy and unreasonably defiant and depressed. I think I just haven’t learnt how to function in a world that wasn’t made for me.
I’m hoping to ask some advice on if I should do some homework or start making notes about my perceived reasons or symptoms before starting anything official and official. I started out terrible at doing homework and it’s got worse as I got older but if there’s any important literature that I should read, it would be awesome to know about it and I could push through reading it. And notes, should I start taking notes of things to speak about or bring up?
Thank you in advance. Might only start replying and stuff later became I’m feeling a little scrambled right now and only slept about 4 hours last night.
Just wanted to come back here and say, finally have an appointment for March 7. Definitely a general doctor first like I assumed for a basic assessment and shit, then from there I find out where I need to go or what to do.
I wish you the best of luck. If it doesn’t go well, I suggest looking for people who specialize in ADHD/Autism to go to if you can. Hopefully, though, everything goes great! It went very well for me and my partner when we sought a diagnosis, and I hope you get similar fortune. : )
From how I understand it, this first consultation with a general practitioner is for them to just gather basic information to pass on to the actual psychologist / psychiatrist. I’m doing this through government healthcare, not private, so I kinda have to go through the system this way first because I think there’s just too many people coming through the system. So I’ll just have to see how it goes as far as specialists etc. are concerned. I have heard that this side of our healthcare system is actually pretty good though, once you’re out of the general hospital side of the process (I was expecting the opposite reputation in this country). So I’m holding out hope that this all goes smoothly. It’s going to probably take a couple of months before anything concrete though.
Hopefully everything goes smoothly. Based on my experience, once you get to specialists they can pretty quickly arrive at a diagnosis if they’re not being purposefully obtuse. After all, the signs are pretty clear once they’ve been laid out in front of you and you’ve had personal experience with identifying them.