I remember seeing a study (years ago) that basically showed that unless wind was directly behind a rider (like, maybe ±15° off side or something) then it caused resistance and made it harder to ride.
I wish I could find it again!
I think it becomes intuitive when you think about how sailing works (presuming you understand that…), you can sail just fine with side-on wind because you’ll just turn the sails on the diagonal and the wind will blow to your rear, and then you position the boat and rudder to largely turn that force into forward movement.
Same kinda thing will presumably happen when biking, except instead of boosting you it’s just making you have to push against the sideways wind as well as the regular wind resistence. Pretty sure i remember making tacking movements in sideways wind on a bike…
It’s even worse when you’re out of shape and as large as a sail to begin with
Also uphill both ways.
Hmmm, I must be cycling into a headwind constantly.
Why not both?
I rather stupidly did 12km yesterday after no riding for 6 months and I am so unfit now. I’ve never stayed in third gear for so long.
Thick air. Need more aerodynamic knee pads.
I had such strong winds that I had to go to the lowest gear and was barely moving.
To go faster that walking speed I had to take my backpack from my luggage tack onto my back, thereby putting more weight on the pedals.
Sometime last year it was so windy that I was actually getting pushed into traffic and had to wheel my bike home.
I had the same thing happen to me last year. I left late for a 15 mile ride into the city to see a silent film so I refused to get off and walk it. I was stuck in first the whole time. Once I got into the forest it was better, but by then the damage was done and I was completely obliterated by the time I got to the theater.