about 50% content is like this, no matter what view you select. I think /r/pics has the right idea; it is so dominating. Other subs should change their post to be like this (with their own messages) I think.

Also, what sub did spez mod in 2008?

  • BlackCoffee
    271 year ago

    My eyes are screaming just looking at the new.reddit UI.

    Sometimes it’s good to be reminded what an abomination it actually is.

    • Yeah this “new” redesign is really horrific. I really don’t understand why they did this. I get that they have old.reddit for now, but if that goes Reddit will really be completely unusable.

      I really feel like they’re making an instagram clone instead of a discussion forum. The whole site is becoming more and more image dominated. So sad :(

      • @Killer@beehaw.org
        71 year ago

        They want to look like all the other big sites so that people are more willing to try them out because of the familiar look, and also so they can easier/more sneakily put ads in.

        • BlackCoffee
          1 year ago


          Someone linked an article from 2019 about the fact that the investors wanted the same returns out of Reddit as in Facebook/instagram.

          If Steve actually was “with” the users and Reddit as a platform he should have told them to eat shit.

          I am quite sure it is the reason why Reddit is heading the way of Facebook/Insta/Tik tok etc.

          And I have zero interest in being a part of it.

          • @markipol@beehaw.org
            61 year ago

            Yeah, Reddit has 0 interest in being Reddit anymore. They want to be tiktok/Instagram (that’s why the video player is fucking trash, they want it to look like tiktok). The thing I don’t understand is those apps are already much larger than Reddit, why would people from those apps ever come to Reddit? And why would you just completely abandon your loyal userbase?

          • @andrew@radiation.party
            31 year ago

            To be a little fair (and I am not being the devils advocate here, to be clear) Steve is literally in the position that is required, by definition, to drive shareholder value and take the fall for unpopular changes.

            More than likely none of these decisions he’s made recently were by him, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just being used as a scapegoat by the directors and will be given a golden parachute when he announces he’s resigning “in response” to the community backlash.