I like stroopwafels, but they’re too expensive in Denmark. I bet you can make them at home for a tenth of the price.

But whats the best recipe?

  • EvilCartyenOP
    1 year ago

    Thank you for the very thorough answer :) I will give that recipe a try - with some amendments due to availability etc.

    I think I will be ok ingredients-wise; Danish butter is also at least 80% fat, we have the same full milk (sødmælk), and we have the same kind of dark sirup (mørk sirup) which has around 75-78% sugar content and is also made from sugar beet.

    The main issue will be the wafels themselves - my ‘krumkagejern’ does not leave room for the waffle to rise enough to cut it in half. But I think if I use the right dough I can bake them like I bake ‘gode råd’ (good advice) cookies.