The Gulf Stream plays a significant role in maintaining the climate of the US East Coast and Western Europe. “We conclude with a high degree of confidence that Gulf Stream transport has indeed slowed by about 4% in the past 40 years.” The full study is Here

    89 months ago

    This is most likely caused by changes in ocean temperatures. Those changes are part of climate change.

    Global weather is an extremely complex system. Any change will have knock-on effects on the rest of the system. If the changes are big enough, you start seeing big effects like this.

    I’m not sure what your example is meant to show. An ocean-scale current isn’t something you can walk up to and mess with. But burning forests is certainly a contributor to climate change, which would be one of the causative factors in ocean warming and currents changing.

      -39 months ago

      Its just a simple example of cause and effect. I am not denying climate change, i just saw no explanation in the article about which parts of climate change diectly contributed to this, which felt very missing considering its in the abstract. This is all i am saying.

      Your explanation is true, but i just wanted the details.