I’d like to take my RSS feeds from an aggregator of news to a curated selection of interesting things. Interesting newsletters and blogs are where I think RSS shines, but I struggle to find this content.

What do you do to find these kinds of RSS feeds?

  • lohrun
    11 year ago

    I’ve been posting articles that I find interesting that I think other people might enjoy over on my instance at @news I try to stay away from political posting because subreddits quickly became echo chambers with politics and I don’t want to deal with that lol.

    I say come on over and check out the stuff I’m posting, if you find it interesting… I believe most of the sources I am posting have RSS feeds you can subscribe to.

      • @amitten@normalcity.lifeOP
        01 year ago

        I had no idea! I’m not sure how if I want RSS with lemmy/kbin. I might not want the noise in the RSS feed, you know? Just highly curated interesting stuff.

        • lohrun
          21 year ago

          Yup! You can also subscribe to users and specific domains posted on an instance as well:


          So the first link would give you an RSS feed of my news magazine, the second link would give you an rss feed of any post from my instance that had bbc.com linked as the main post article, and the third link is an rss feed of all the stuff I post as a user.

          Obviously it doesn’t have to be my instance you use either, you can also do https://kbin.social/rss?magazine=news for other instances as well! I’m not sure if lemmy has rss support though. It’s kind of a cool “hidden feature” that you can use to curate a RSS feed off of already curated content.