• Benton Greene
    110 months ago

    @kytkosaurus @TDCN @Showroom7561 and in Denmark, this is an excellent law! In the US, it absolutely isn’t. But people see it working (I assume?) in Denmark and think “yeah,we should do that here!” and don’t think about the disparate consequences for poor people in places where a car isn’t just a commodity but a prerequisite for living on par with (and arguably more so) a house or apartment that often people can’t afford to replace once lost.

    • Kytkosaurus
      110 months ago

      @neonregent @TDCN @Showroom7561 True. Although any place, where it is necessary to own a car to get work is in deep problems and should immediately think about how it got into this stupid situation and how to get from it as quickly as possible.

      It will make them much more livable and bring an important part of freedom to their citizens.