Hello! I’ve come here to ask you lovely people from Lemmy if you guys know of some fun local coop games for at least 2 player.

I have a friend that usually comes over on the weekends and we like to play some coop games, unfortunately we mostly play Single player games, so we don’t really know many coop games.

We’ve had a blast playing through Cuphead, It Takes Two and Portal 2 so far! So any recommendations are welcome.

Thanks in advance for any replies, have a nice day :D

  • ono
    910 months ago

    I hear Baldur’s Gate 3 has local co-op.

    • elscallr
      110 months ago

      I think they had to drop split screen from the Series S, at least for now.

      • @CrateDane
        310 months ago

        It’s not out on Xbox yet anyway. But it might be an idea for OP to say what platform(s) they play on.