I wanted to verify this picture just to make sure, and found out that this is a mockup according to this source. Under the picture it says:
Her er en af de busser, der kommer til at køre rundt i Danmark de næste uger. På bussens dør ses en amerikansk cowboyhat ved siden af en dansk klaphat. Foto: Vestfyen Bryggeriet
Here is one of the busses that’ll drive around Denmark the next few weeks. On the side of the door is an American cowboy hat next to a Danish “clap” hat. Foto: West Funen Brewery.
Another note: It’s only 3 busses starting today, but apparently advertisements for another 27 busses has been ordered.
I wanted to verify this picture just to make sure, and found out that this is a mockup according to this source. Under the picture it says:
Another note: It’s only 3 busses starting today, but apparently advertisements for another 27 busses has been ordered.
Thanks, edited the title
Apologies for being a bit pedantic, just wanted to point that the picture shown wasn’t on the road yet - but they are now! 😅
No worries!