Looking like the clouds are finally going to break tonight. The moon’s quickly heading towards the new moon, and we’ve got Virgo rising. I’m excited to get out and check some targets off my list.

It’d be nice if I could get out in time to hit Canis Major and Puppis, but I think CM might be too far west for me to have a clear view, and Puppis too deep into the southern sky to hit anything meaningful.

Tonight’s itenerary is basically a copy-paste from last time, because last Saturday fell apart on me at the last minute.

Going to hit the Leo triplet again Going to hit Bode’s Galaxy again M94 -M48 -M44 -M67 M3 if it’s high enough Gamma Leo Zeta Ursa Majoris Depending on if transparency is good, I might hit the owl nebula and Cigar Galaxy. Probably off itenerary:

Everything in Canis Major and Orion :(

I’m considering M84, M86, and M87 if they’re high enough, but given relatively low altitude, I’m not too hopeful.

Anyone else getting their scopes out? What are you going to look at?

  • Twanquility
    3 days ago

    Right now there is a good chance of aurora boralis, where I live (approximately 55 deg. latitude), which is not the most common.

    Yes, at this time of the year, and Yes at this time of the day. However not localised entirely within my kitchen.

    • conditional_soup@lemm.eeOP
      3 days ago


      I’ve heard it can be hard to see with the naked eye, and it seems like it would probably get murdered by city lights. Something like some low power, wide-lens binoculars might help collect enough light to make it visible. Also, I’ve heard that cell phone cameras and cameras in general are pretty good at picking up the Aurora over the naked eye, especially on longer exposures.

      • Twanquility
        2 days ago

        Sounds about right. The main problem is getting our somewhere dark, where the horizon is visible. There are buildings for miles around, and its really cold because of the winds. I’ve got so many good excuses. I’m glad you have a long list of objects to look for. Its quite impressive, to be honest. I know my way around, but still not that many DSO’s off the top of my head 🙌