so you think no one online ever does anything, huh? I’m already preparing. Voting isn’t enough… Resistance is best when organized, and I’m advocating for my union to take steps to be ready as well as taking them myself. I’m not standing by idle. I campaigned in election season to help fight it there. And now that we lost the election, I’m taking other measures.
Maybe some of the people who move away from the US are also doing their part to help their country in ways you haven’t thought of? They can still advocate for their values and beliefs even of they don’t live in the country. You have a very limited scope on what people are doing and not doing in this situation. You might benefit from calming your ego a little bit and consider that your way isn’t the only way to combat a facistic leader.
It’s good that you try and do your part, I just dislike your superiority complex about it and how you blindly judge anyone who reacts differently than what you deem the right way to handle the situation.
Unions were here before they were legal and they’ll be here after. The fact that you think unions rely purely on legal power suggests that you don’t actually understand unions.
It’s a useful tool for finding like minded people to organize with either way. And by organize, I do not mean for just peaceful protesting.
I’m sure you will be in the front of the resistance and put action to your words.
so you think no one online ever does anything, huh? I’m already preparing. Voting isn’t enough… Resistance is best when organized, and I’m advocating for my union to take steps to be ready as well as taking them myself. I’m not standing by idle. I campaigned in election season to help fight it there. And now that we lost the election, I’m taking other measures.
Maybe some of the people who move away from the US are also doing their part to help their country in ways you haven’t thought of? They can still advocate for their values and beliefs even of they don’t live in the country. You have a very limited scope on what people are doing and not doing in this situation. You might benefit from calming your ego a little bit and consider that your way isn’t the only way to combat a facistic leader.
It’s good that you try and do your part, I just dislike your superiority complex about it and how you blindly judge anyone who reacts differently than what you deem the right way to handle the situation.
The fact that you think your union has any standing anymore shows you aren’t actually prepared for what’s happening.
Unions were here before they were legal and they’ll be here after. The fact that you think unions rely purely on legal power suggests that you don’t actually understand unions.
It’s a useful tool for finding like minded people to organize with either way. And by organize, I do not mean for just peaceful protesting.