• 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 17th, 2023

  • you’re welcome.

    Something i struggled with in the beginning;

    How it works;

    • you pick an account name, (short and cryptic)
    • it checks if it’s unique. if so, then it generates an SSL style certificate. This is your identity and contains a private key and only exists on your device. This thing acts as your password and identity. Losing this thing is fatal. nobody else has a copy. So you have to back it up yourself. There’s an option in the app to back it up. (it is saved in some zip format)
    • then you enter a screen name.
    • you can install your identity in any amount of devices. But you can also easily give every device it’s own account.

    i use this app on my devices(telephones, laptops), so that i can easily share any file (photo and documents) between them. photo’s are sent losless, unlike whatsapp.

    Oh… and another thing;

    Because it’s serverless technology, it’s dependant on all other nodes in the system to form a mesh.

    Whenever a node switches networks (e.g. when the software is running on a cellphone and you switch from WiFi to cell-band, or you’re switching cell towers), then it has to re-initialize with its peers under the new IP address.

    in such case it helps when, from your profile-settings, you switch your profile off and on again.

  • Hi. thanks.

    i logged in and found the port number in the /etc/sites/sites_enabled/<domain>.conf

    i did the merge again, and via domain and the local port i get the following:

    i logged into portainer and found this message many times for <domain>_lemmy-ui_1:

    API error: FetchError: request to http://lemmy:8536/api/v3/site? failed, reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN lemmy

    in <domain>_lemmy_1 it says this many times:

    thread 'main' panicked at 'Failed to load settings file, see documentation (https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/administration/configuration.html): LemmyError { message: None, inner: "unknown field `use_tls`, expected one of `smtp_server`, `smtp_login`, `smtp_password`, `smtp_from_address`, `tls_type`" near 40:12, context: SpanTrace [] }', crates/utils/src/settings/mod.rs:20:20
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

    mm… this use_tls field 🤔…

    On the ansible machine, i have this use_tls in the email section in inventory/host_vars/<domain>/config.hjson. i’ll check if that field is still allowed

    in the defaults.hjson (mentioned in repy below), the use_tls isn’t mentioned, so i removed that keyword, and Lemmy version 0.18 is up🙌