@slurpyslop @return2ozma @Omegamanthethird it’s a cheap narrative for an election, but it can work. Trouble this time is that voters’ memories are too short to remember just how effed up Cult 45/TFG was.
Grew up in Silicon Valley, did the big corporate technology thing, then moved to wine country, produced Wine Biz Radio (RIP), then making films and video as an entrepreneur, then into nonprofit arts center managing the Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival, and now teaching media and stagecraft to teenagers in a public high school. Kinda freaky, considering I also dabble in ham radio, electronics and eurorack synths.
@slurpyslop @return2ozma @Omegamanthethird it’s a cheap narrative for an election, but it can work. Trouble this time is that voters’ memories are too short to remember just how effed up Cult 45/TFG was.
@return2ozma well, when you place your administration as a patron of despicable foreign policy, and the young people who voted for you (or would vote for you) are protesting that foreign policy, how is this a surprise?
@Midnitte @alyaza
No, I’d say we *definitely fucked around* and are finding out