• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Not a terrible idea initially, blend in with farm equipment, excellent off road capability, small and nimble. However there’s a reason Geneva conventions require military personnel and equipment to be distinct from civilians.

    Do you want all your civilian farmers blown up? Because this is how you do that.

  • randoot@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHe gets us!
    3 months ago

    The details distract your brain from seeing the underlying image. When you squint you can’t see details so brain can suddenly see the hidden image.

    People have made these before but AI is just 100x better at hallucinating in details so the effect is really strong.

  • Yes the Jewish people didn’t exist before Israel. The Jewish Diaspora never happened. The crusades didn’t happen. The Europeans didn’t colonize, divide and create proxy wars.

    Netanyahu is a shithead that allowed a bunch of medieval terrorists kill his people so he can retain power.

    Civilians have been getting slaughtered in that region for millennia fighting their own brothers because they are carrying the wrong flag.

    No we shouldn’t be content with Palestinians dying, but you can’t deny Hamas wanted this response and wanted their people to die because that’s how they raise funding and support.

    It’s a shitty messy situation with civilians being used as pawns.

  • Fuck the DNC their corrupt system pushed Bernie out unfairly. There’s no disagreement there. But people abstain from voting because they’re upset with the DNC. That’s what I have an issue with. That’s like getting mad at fire so you let it burn your house down.

    Sorry didn’t mean to come off so harsh.

  • Oh no why didn’t the DNC serve me my ideal candidate in a silver platter? I didn’t participate in primaries, I didn’t participate in local elections and then I ended up having to vote for Hillary! I’m going to protest by letting a clown take office.

    And then when it turns out the clown is a fascist dictator I’m going to keep arguing about why my favorite candidate isn’t being served up to me in a silver platter!

    Yes the system sucks and the Democrat candidates suck, but you can’t fix the system by abstaining your vote at the last second.


    And I know you probably did participate but it wasn’t enough. You need to convince others, you need to protest and raise awareness when it matters.

    Letting a clown dictator run the country doesn’t further your cause.

  • If you think there’s a simple solution to the Gaza issue you’re an idiot.

    If you think the wannabe dictator who tried to override the election and install himself as a real dictator is even comparable to Biden, because Biden doesn’t have a solution to a thousand year old conflict then you’re an idiot.

    So either you’re an idiot who has no idea what’s going on or you’re a Putin puppet.

  • When I see liberals critiquing liberals, if they are not prefacing their views with a strong call to vote liberal then I get suspicious. I get it you want a better candidate, Biden is not as left as you want, yes yes, but I hate to break it to you, if you diss Biden too much you’re handing the reins to the right. Go crazy in the primaries, go crazy in the local elections, get your young leftist candidates out there great, but when it’s time to vote in the big one you have to get your ass out there and vote.

    Any liberal that doesn’t explain this, I get suspicious and wonder who’s really supporting them. I’m sure this youtube guy isn’t in some conspiracy, but man I would not be surprised if unknown to him some russian agency was donating generously to his patreon and fanning the flames with fake comments to create dissent within the party.

    The system is shit, do everything you can to change it, but if you sit out the big vote you’re being played like a flute.