• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2022

  • I’ve only ever lived in Oregon and Washington, in both those states its legal if you are just doing it off existing rooftops and using it on your property. I think, in both those states you could run into issues (or at least need a permit and water rights) if you build a system specifically for catching water.

    I think Colorado is the only state with the 110gal rule.

  • First those nasturtiums are beautiful!!

    I’d would be curious how others feel, but for me #nolawns is a long term goal or process and a part of that process is actually mowing.

    I tried stopping mowing and I loved all the different flowers and grasses that grew. But we were quickly over run by a rat sized vole that loved the habitat. Then I also noticed I wasn’t keeping up with topping or pulling all the different plants that I didn’t want propagating (thistles and other invasives).

    Anyway I think having lawn is on my path to nolawn. I can onnly take on so much space at a time, so I just keep converting areas to no lawn areas and I continue to mow the rest.

  • I think its an interesting topic. Sometimes I wish there was a term for someone who critically thinks about what they consume/eat. Maybe there is and I just know the term?

    Full disclaimer: I’ve been vegan for 20+ years now, but I’m not going to make the assertion that everyone who critically thinks about what they eat and the ethics of what they eat, are going to come to the same conclusion as I have and decide to be vegan. IMHO critically thinking about things is the most important part.

    I think your goal of raising chickens for eggs *and * meat is a realistic one. IMHO including meat as a part of the egg process is necessary. I often see people trying to raise chickens for eggs but not meat and it seems complicated. You have to buy sexed chicks which generally is a part of the industrial meat complex (the very thing people are often raising chickens to avoid) and inevitably your going to end up with roosters even with sexed chicks. Then your spending all these resources on food for the rooster just because keeping it alive is more “humane”. To me meat/death is just a part of the process, so why try and remove it.