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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024

  • What, are you gonna be on the front lines with your guns shooting? The overwhelming majority of people with this mindset have never held a firearm in their entire lives and have no idea what they’re even talking about. What are you even insinuating here? Is your end goal that we burn the entire country down because “wahhhhh both sides aren’t perfect”? Grow up, only children refuse to see greater good through compromise because they can’t see past not getting what they want. Single issue voters love to stick their head in the sand and pretend the one issue that they’re whinging about is the most important in the world.

    Have fun standing on your “genocide” comment when you’re in a fascist dictatorship run by nazis. “but but but the genocide wah”

  • Trigger haptics can work on PC but it is game by game/implementation by implementation. Returnal works when connected via USB but not wirelessly (unless you enable Steam Input for DualSense, but that completely removes haptic trigger capabilities, turns the touchpad into buttons, and switches to Xbox button glyphs), but Ratchet & Clank works wired or wirelessly (without Steam Input enabled for DualSense). The DualSense support on PC is kind of hit or miss, I wish they’d just standardize a library that offers the base features wirelessly – the controller is really nice.

  • Like GA, a battleground state, where they just made it legal for the elections board (3 Republicans and 2 Democrats) to refuse to certify the election results for absolutely no reason, indefinitely, without any burden of proof? Even if 100% of people in GA voted for Harris, they’d find some bullshit reason to refuse to certify the state’s results. Kemp is too much of a fickle piece of shit to stand up against it, so we’ve already lost the state in November.

  • This. THIS THIS THIS. More people need to be aware of this, the only thing that can be done at this point is mass awareness that they’re going to attempt to steal the election via the certification process. If in 4 years we haven’t been able to root out these fascists from the positions of authority there is no way we will be able to do so by November.

    Everyone MUST be clear that this is how Trump plans to steal the presidency – he has been greasing these wheels now for years and he has enough support that he absolutely can do it. It’s not some far-fetched scheme, the Republicans have literally started legislating to ensure this is fully legal in battleground states and to @Boddhisatva@lemmy.world’s point, succeeded already in GA.

    Make sure literally EVERYONE you know knows that this is the plan. It’s already underway and they will succeed if we don’t turn election certification denial into the poison pill that project 2025 is.

  • Georgia (ya know, a typical battleground state) just made it legal for the voting board to refuse to certify elections indefinitely without any burden of proof of malicious activity. It’s also 3-2 Republican on the voting board, so, I’m 100% sure it doesn’t matter if 100% of people vote for Harris, the Republicans will declare some kind of voting incongruety with absolutely no proof and refuse to certify the election. They’ve already refused to certify several elections in GA when it was illegal to do so and wouldn’t you know it, the Republicans in charge were never held accountable for it – instead they fucking legalized it.

    This is the real threat to our democracy – it’s not an insurrection at the capital, it’s a bunch of loyalist fascist cronies being puppeteered by a madman hell bent on stealing the presidency.

  • He doesn’t intend to win this election by votes, he intends to win this election through actions like this.

    Johnson will refuse to certify the results of the election that put Democrats in the House, claiming some kind of bullshit irregularities with no proof, leaving the House controlled by the Republicans. They’ll then claim irregularities in the presidential election and force a contingent election where they have a 100% chance of electing Trump no matter what the public votes.

    More people need to be made aware that this is 100% legal for them to do (this is a perfect example of them making it even MORE legal to completely subvert election certification in a battleground state with no proof), and more people need to be aware that it is almost certainly what they will try. The only thing that can possibly stop it is significant awareness by the mass population of Americans and significant publicity (similar to how mass awareness of Project 2025 turned it into a poison pill).

  • He doesn’t intend to win this election by votes and his plan doesn’t need votes in the future.

    Johnson will refuse to certify the results of the election that put Democrats in the House, claiming some kind of bullshit irregularities with no proof, leaving the House controlled by the Republicans. They’ll then claim irregularities in the presidential election and force a contingent election where they have a 100% chance of electing Trump no matter what the public votes. The worse that Dipshit Don loses, the stronger his argument about the vote being stolen will be, and the more his ravenous shitheel base will eat it up.

    More people need to be made aware that this is 100% legal for them to do, and more people need to be aware that it is almost certainly what they will try. The only thing that can possibly stop it is significant awareness by the mass population of Americans and significant publicity (similar to how mass awareness of Project 2025 turned it into a poison pill).

    EDIT: Oh look, they’ve already started making it super-legal in battleground states: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/aug/06/georgia-local-election-boards-allowed-withhold-vote-certification

  • You’ve typed what amounts to a small novel in this thread, yet absolutely none of what you’ve typed is researched, clearly articulated, or supports your position. I get that you think you’re a very smart person, but everything you’ve typed so far makes it sound like you’re a toddler with a thesaurus. Why don’t you go re-read this entire thread and if you feel like you can actually answer any of the questions people are asking, go ahead. If not, just stop talking, you’re the only person who thinks you’re saying something of intelligence and value here.

  • IDK, have you tried to copy files over USB-C/USB 3.0 to a phone? I similarly thought it was going to be much faster than it actually is, but it’s still mind bogglingly slow using MTP – especially with file creation operations. Want to move 5,000 small text files totalling 20MB? You’ll be there for 8 hours, haha.

    In my experience ADB is significantly faster than a cable (even USB-C+3.0), even when ADB is connected wirelessly. I typically get 20MBps-40MBps using ADB regardless of whether I’m writing large files or a bunch of small files, where at best I will (and a cursory google search sems to indicate most people will) see 8MBps-10MBps over the cable for large files, and when I’m copying small files (e.g., game roms for ScummVM or something), I will get maybe 1Mbps at the top end. Results are consistent between computers I use to copy, cables I use to copy, and phones I’ve copied data to.

    I’m honestly surprised that in 2024 copying data to a brand new flagship phone using a USB cable is as poor of an experience as it is.