So I mean, I had created my account. Looked around. Then popped off. I then closed down all my “tabs” off my phone and then wanted to go onto Lemmy yesterday. Couldn’t remember how I got onto my account before. So I “googled” Lemmy that brought me to a multitude of sites that all had Lemmy in the post or site? Idek guys. I tried to sign in to Lemmy wherever the Google dumped me off and I got the spinning wheel of death. It just spun a green circle mocking me. I lost faith in my tech abilities and moved on. Then tried again another time and caught the wheel of death again. So I was stewing about it wondering how I could be this stupid and remembered I had to verify my email when I created my account, so I hunted that email back down and clicked on the link it provided and whammo… I was back on. But still couldn’t figure out how to get to that site without that link in my ever growing crap email… so… thought I’d ask you fine folks how to make it easier for the technology novice me…
Edited for use of a term I don’t agree with. Sorry to anyone who took offense with it. It wasn’t right. I appreciate the time and effort and responses I received to this post.
Yes, I have all of you to thank for helping me figure this out! I don’t have an app or anything for this site, and as I said I’m no genius at technology. I have successfully logged into my account from a Google search of I can’t thank you all enough for helping me!